Hello evebody,
I would like to use the OSM to calculate distances between many possible business entities without graphic display. There might be lower hundereds of these calculations at one moment and every used distance would be saved for further reuse. Does anyone know what would the hardware requirements for these calculations approximately be? Thank you in advance for the answer.
This depends on which routing engine you want to use, and which geographic area you want to cover. Popular routing engines include OSRM and GraphHopper; OSRM has a “table” feature which allows you to compute a complete routing matrix in one request (GraphHopper doesn’t have that in the Open Source version). A word-wide OSRM server using an automobile profile requires about 140 GB RAM to run, but the initial creation of the routing graph requires about 400 GB RAM. Obviously resource usage is much lower if you only load data for a continent or even a single country.
Thank you very much for the swift answer. You were very helpful.
Dear Mr. Ramm,
do you have any idea how big of a harddrive would it take to save these distances? I am thinking only Europe. I will be using the OSRM routing engine. Thank you again in advance for the aswer.