👋 Welcome to the forum, get involved in the next steps here!

🌐 Español

Hola a todos,

Bienvenidos a los foros de la Comunidad OpenStreetMap, mi nombre es Rubén y estoy ayudando a facilitar la discusión de la comunidad en torno a esta nueva herramienta y su futuro.

:speaking_head: Este es un momento importante para el futuro de las conversaciones de las comunidades de OpenStreetMap y tú puedes formar parte de él involucrándote en este tema :blush:.

Pero primero, un poco de contexto.

¿Qué es este sitio y por qué existe?

OSMF ha mantenido históricamente un conjunto de canales de comunicación y herramientas para apoyar a las comunidades de mapas abiertos y a los contribuyentes de todo el mundo.

Estos canales no han evolucionado mucho en los últimos 10 años, y son una combinación de sincrónicos y asincrónicos:

  • Listas de correo (correo electrónico) - IRC (chat) - Mumble (chat de voz) - BigBlueButton (vídeo)
  • Foro web (discusiones) - Ayuda OSM (soporte) - Diarios (comentarios)
  • OSM Blogs (Planeta) (comentarios) - OSM Wiki (comentarios/doc)

Durante los últimos años, las comunidades locales también han creado sus propios canales utilizando otras herramientas y servicios no controlados por el OSMF: Slack, Telegram, Whatsapp, Discord, Reddit, Discourse, Fediverse/Mastodon…

Alrededor de mediados de 2020 el Grupo de Trabajo de Operaciones expresó su interés en la modernización de los foros de OSM y la Ayuda de OSM (sitio de preguntas y respuestas) (tema, notas de la reunión) y a principios de 2021 decidieron utilizar el Discourse como un código abierto (y auto-alojado) de reemplazo para esos dos.

(ver cómo otras comunidades están usando Discourse)

Desde entonces, esta instancia de Discourse ha sido configurada (gracias a Grant Slater), incluyendo soporte de inicio de sesión OSM (oauth2) (gracias Tom y el resto del GT de Operaciones), así como plugins para soportar la resolución de temas y respuestas enlatadas para poder alojar temas de preguntas y respuestas.

*:pray: También nos gustaría agradecer a todos los que han estado activos proporcionando comentarios durante la fase inicial de pruebas técnicas: mmd, Tobias, Guillaume, Amanda, Josh, Maggie, pnorman, ian, westnordost, Arnalie, Pete… y muchos otros. ¡Muchas gracias!

¿Qué es lo siguiente? Hablemos.

Todavía hay muchas preguntas abiertas sobre el futuro de esta plataforma, y con este tema abrimos la fase de codiseño con todos los que quieran participar.

Tenemos la intención de seguir utilizando este foro para aportar transparencia y colaboración a su desarrollo.

Estas son algunas de las cuestiones que queremos debatir aquí, ¿qué te parece?

**Responde y haznoslo saber.

  1. ¿Qué modelo de gobernanza/rendición de cuentas queremos para esta herramienta? ¿Quién y cómo deben tomarse las decisiones?
  2. ¿Cuáles son las categorías iniciales que queremos habilitar? ¿A qué comunidades apoyarían?
  3. ¿Cuál es el uso correcto de las categorías y las etiquetas para satisfacer nuestras necesidades?
  4. ¿Cómo manejaremos las conversaciones en otros idiomas además del inglés? ¿Y las conversaciones basadas en la localización?
  5. ¿Cómo garantizamos una moderación adecuada? ¿Quién debería tener acceso (y cómo) a la moderación global y por categoría?
  6. ¿Hay alguna otra cuestión abierta que quieras discutir?

Por favor, responde a este mensaje con tus ideas, para mayor claridad moveremos/dividiremos en temas separados los más populares.

Después del 31 de marzo, el grupo de personas que ha estado apoyando este esfuerzo consolidará todos los comentarios y los presentaremos de nuevo a la comunidad en este foro para un mayor compromiso. Siga este tema para obtener actualizaciones.

:blush: ¡Gracias por tu tiempo e interés en ayudar a dar forma al futuro de las conversaciones de OSM!

PS: ¿Aún no estás familiarizado con Discourse? Envía un mensaje a @discobot para obtener algunos consejos y trucos.

🌐 Français

Bonjour à tous,

Bienvenue sur les forums de la communauté OpenStreetMap, mon nom est Rubén et je contribue à faciliter la discussion communautaire autour de ce nouvel outil et de son avenir.

:speaking_head: C’est un moment important pour l’avenir des conversations des communautés OpenStreetMap et vous pouvez en faire partie en vous impliquant dans ce sujet ! :blush:

Mais d’abord, un peu de contexte.

Qu’est-ce que cet endroit et pourquoi existe-t-il ?

OSMF a historiquement maintenu un ensemble de canaux et d’outils de communication pour soutenir les communautés de cartographie ouverte et les contributeurs du monde entier.

Ces canaux n’ont pas beaucoup évolué au cours des 10 dernières années, et ils sont une combinaison de synchrone et asynchrone :

  • Listes de diffusion (courriel) - IRC (chat) - Mumble (chat vocal) - BigBlueButton (vidéo)
  • Forum Web (discussions) - Aide OSM (support) - Journaux intimes (commentaires)
  • Blogs OSM (Planet) (commentaires) - OSM Wiki (commentaires/doc)

Ces dernières années, les communautés locales ont également créé leurs propres canaux en utilisant d’autres outils et services non contrôlés par l’OSMF : Slack, Telegram, Whatsapp, Discord, Reddit, Discourse, Fediverse/Mastodon…

Vers le milieu de l’année 2020, le groupe de travail sur les opérations a exprimé son intérêt pour la modernisation des forums OSM et de l’aide OSM (site de questions-réponses) (issue, meeting notes) et, au début de l’année 2021, il a décidé d’utiliser Discourse comme remplacement open source (et auto-hébergé) de ces deux outils.

(voir comment d’autres communautés utilisent Discourse)

Depuis lors, cette instance de Discourse a été mise en place (merci à Grant Slater), y compris le support de connexion OSM (oauth2) (merci à Tom et au reste du groupe de travail Ops), ainsi que des plugins pour supporter la résolution de sujets et les réponses en boîte pour pouvoir héberger des sujets de Q&R.

:pray: Nous aimerions également remercier tous ceux qui ont été actifs en fournissant des commentaires pendant la première phase de test technique : mmd, Tobias, Guillaume, Amanda, Josh, Maggie, pnorman, ian, westnordost, Arnalie, Pete… et beaucoup d’autres. Merci beaucoup !

Quoi d’autre ? Parlons-en !

Il y a encore beaucoup de questions ouvertes sur l’avenir de cette plateforme, et avec ce sujet nous ouvrons la phase de co-design avec tous ceux qui veulent être impliqués.

Nous avons l’intention de continuer à utiliser ce forum pour apporter transparence et collaboration à son développement.

Voici quelques-unes des questions que nous voulons discuter ici, qu’en pensez-vous ?

**Répondez et faites-le nous savoir !

  1. Quel modèle de gouvernance/responsabilité voulons-nous pour cet outil ? Qui et comment les décisions doivent être prises ?
  2. [Quelles sont les catégories initiales que nous voulons activer ? Quelles sont les communautés qu’elles soutiendraient ?] (Which are the initial categories we want to enable? Which communities would they support?)
  3. Quelle est la bonne utilisation des catégories et des balises pour répondre à nos besoins ?
  4. Comment allons-nous gérer les conversations dans d’autres langues que l’anglais ? Et les conversations géolocalisées ?
  5. Comment assurer une modération appropriée ? Qui devrait avoir accès (et comment) à la modération globale et par catégorie ?
  6. Y a-t-il d’autres questions ouvertes dont vous voulez discuter ?

Veuillez répondre à ce message avec vos idées, pour plus de clarté nous déplacerons/séparerons dans des sujets séparés les plus populaires.

Après le 31 mars, le groupe de personnes qui a soutenu cet effort consolidera tous les commentaires et nous les présenterons à la communauté sur ce forum pour un engagement plus poussé. Suivez ce sujet pour obtenir des mises à jour.

:blush: Merci pour votre temps et votre intérêt à aider à façonner l’avenir des conversations OSM !

PS : Vous ne connaissez pas encore Discourse ? Envoyez un message à @discobot pour obtenir des conseils et des astuces.

🌐 Deutsch

Hallo zusammen,

Willkommen in den OpenStreetMap-Community-Foren, mein Name ist Rubén und ich helfe, die Community-Diskussion über dieses neue Tool und seine Zukunft zu erleichtern.

:speaking_head: Dies ist ein wichtiger Moment für die Zukunft der OpenStreetMap-Gemeinschaftsdiskussionen und ihr könnt ein Teil davon sein, indem ihr euch an diesem Thema beteiligt! :blush:

Aber zuerst ein wenig Kontext.

Was ist dieser Ort und warum gibt es ihn?

Die OSMF unterhält seit jeher eine Reihe von Kommunikationskanälen und Werkzeugen zur Unterstützung von Open-Mapping-Gemeinschaften und Mitwirkenden auf der ganzen Welt.

Diese Kanäle haben sich in den letzten 10 Jahren kaum verändert, und sie sind eine Kombination aus synchronen und asynchronen Kanälen:

  • Mailinglisten (E-Mail) - IRC (Chat) - Mumble (Sprachchat) - BigBlueButton (Video)
  • Webforum (Diskussionen) - OSM-Hilfe (Support) - Tagebücher (Kommentare)
  • OSM Blogs (Planet) (Kommentare) - OSM Wiki (Kommentare/Dokumente)

In den letzten Jahren haben lokale Gemeinschaften auch ihre eigenen Kanäle mit anderen Tools und Diensten eingerichtet, die nicht von der OSMF kontrolliert werden: Slack, Telegram, Whatsapp, Discord, Reddit, Discourse, Fediverse/Mastodon…

Mitte 2020 bekundete die Arbeitsgruppe Betrieb ihr Interesse an der Modernisierung der OSM-Foren und der OSM-Hilfe (Q&A-Site) (issue, meeting notes) und beschloss Anfang 2021, Discourse als quelloffenen (und selbstgehosteten) Ersatz für diese beiden zu verwenden.

(siehe, wie andere Gemeinschaften Discourse nutzen)

Seitdem wurde diese Discourse-Instanz eingerichtet (Dank an Grant Slater), einschließlich OSM (oauth2) Login-Unterstützung (Dank an Tom und den Rest der Ops WG), sowie Plugins zur Unterstützung von Themenauflösung und Antwortkonserven, um Q&A-Themen hosten zu können.

*:pray: Wir möchten auch allen danken, die während der frühen technischen Testphase aktiv Feedback gegeben haben: mmd, Tobias, Guillaume, Amanda, Josh, Maggie, pnorman, ian, westnordost, Arnalie, Pete… und viele andere. Vielen Dank!

Wie geht’s weiter? Lasst uns reden!

Es gibt noch viele offene Fragen über die Zukunft dieser Plattform, und mit diesem Thema eröffnen wir die Phase der Mitgestaltung mit allen, die sich daran beteiligen wollen.

Wir beabsichtigen, dieses Forum weiterhin zu nutzen, um Transparenz und Zusammenarbeit in die Entwicklung zu bringen.

Dies sind einige der Fragen, die wir hier diskutieren wollen, was denken Sie?

**Antworten Sie und lassen Sie es uns wissen!

  1. Welches Governance-/Rechenschaftsmodell wollen wir für dieses Instrument? Wer und wie sollten die Entscheidungen getroffen werden?
  2. Welche sind die ersten Kategorien, die wir aktivieren wollen? Welche Gemeinschaften würden sie unterstützen?
  3. Was ist die richtige Verwendung von Kategorien und Tags, um unsere Bedürfnisse zu erfüllen?
  4. Wie werden wir mit Unterhaltungen in anderen Sprachen als Englisch umgehen? Und ortsbezogene Unterhaltungen?
  5. Wie können wir eine angemessene Moderation sicherstellen? Wer sollte Zugang (und wie) zur globalen und kategoriespezifischen Moderation haben?
  6. Gibt es weitere offene Fragen, die Sie diskutieren möchten?

Bitte antworten Sie auf diese Nachricht mit Ihren Ideen, der Übersichtlichkeit halber werden wir die beliebtesten Themen in separate Themen verschieben/aufteilen.

Nach dem 31. März wird die Gruppe, die diese Bemühungen unterstützt hat, das gesamte Feedback zusammenfassen und wir werden es der Gemeinschaft in diesem Forum zur weiteren Diskussion vorlegen. Verfolgen Sie dieses Thema, um Updates zu erhalten.

:blush: Vielen Dank für Ihre Zeit und Ihr Interesse, die Zukunft der OSM-Gespräche mitzugestalten!

PS: Sie sind noch nicht mit Discourse vertraut? Schicken Sie eine Nachricht an @discobot, um einige Tipps und Tricks zu erhalten.

🌐 Português

Olá a todos,

Bem-vindo aos fóruns da Comunidade OpenStreetMap, meu nome é Rubén e estou ajudando a facilitar a discussão da comunidade em torno desta nova ferramenta e seu futuro.

:speaking_head: Este é um momento importante para o futuro das conversas da comunidade OpenStreetMap e você pode fazer parte dela se envolvendo com este tópico! :blush:

Mas primeiro, um pouco de contexto.

Que lugar é este e por que ele existe?

OSMF tem mantido historicamente um conjunto de canais e ferramentas de comunicação para apoiar comunidades de mapeamento aberto e contribuintes ao redor do mundo.

Estes canais não evoluíram muito nos últimos 10 anos, e são uma combinação de síncronos e assíncronos:

  • Listas de correio (e-mail) - IRC (chat) - Mumble (conversa por voz) - BigBlueButton (vídeo)
  • Fórum web (discussões) - Ajuda OSM (suporte) - Diários (comentários)
  • OSM Blogs (Planet) (comentários) - OSM Wiki (comentários/doc)

Durante os últimos anos, as comunidades locais também criaram seus próprios canais usando outras ferramentas e serviços não controlados pelo OSMF: Slack, Telegram, Whatsapp, Discord, Reddit, Discourse, Fediverse/Mastodon…

Por volta de meados de 2020, o GT de Operações expressou seu interesse em modernizar os fóruns da OSM e a Ajuda OSM (site de Perguntas e Respostas) (edição, notas de reunião) e no início de 2021 decidiu usar o Discurso como fonte aberta (e auto-hospedado) para substituir esses dois.

(ver como outras comunidades estão usando o Discurso)

Desde então, esta instância de Discurso foi criada (graças ao Grant Slater), incluindo o OSM (oauth2) suporte de login (obrigado Tom e o resto do GT de Operações), bem como plugins para suportar a resolução de tópicos e respostas enlatadas para ser capaz de hospedar tópicos de Perguntas e Respostas.

:pray: Gostaríamos também de agradecer a todos que estiveram ativos fornecendo feedback durante a fase inicial de testes técnicos: mmd, Tobias, Guillaume, Amanda, Josh, Maggie, pnorman, ian, westnordost, Arnalie, Pete… e muitos outros. Muito obrigado!

O que vem a seguir? Vamos conversar!

Ainda há muitas perguntas abertas sobre o futuro desta plataforma, e com este tópico abrimos a fase de co-design com todos que queiram se envolver.

Pretendemos continuar usando este fórum para trazer transparência e colaboração ao seu desenvolvimento.

Estas são algumas das perguntas que queremos discutir aqui, o que você acha?

️ Responda e nos avise!

    1. Que modelo de governança/responsabilidade queremos para esta ferramenta? Quem e como devem ser tomadas as decisões?
  1. Quais são as categorias iniciais que queremos habilitar? Que comunidades eles apoiariam?
  2. Qual é o uso correto das categorias e tags para atender nossas necessidades?
  3. Como vamos lidar com conversas em outros idiomas além do inglês? E as conversas baseadas em localização?
  4. Como assegurar a moderação adequada? Quem deve ter acesso (e como) à moderação global e por categoria?
  5. Há outra questão em aberto que você queira discutir?

Por favor, responda a esta mensagem com suas idéias, para maior clareza moveremos/dividiremos em tópicos separados os mais populares.

** Após 31 de março, o grupo de pessoas que tem apoiado este esforço consolidará todo o feedback e nós apresentaremos de volta à comunidade neste fórum para um maior envolvimento. Siga este tópico para obter atualizações.**

:blush: Obrigado pelo seu tempo e interesse em ajudar a moldar o futuro das conversas da OSM!

PS: Ainda não está familiarizado com Discurso? Envie uma mensagem para @discobot para obter algumas dicas e truques.

🌐 Italiano

Ciao a tutti,

Benvenuti nei forum della Comunità OpenStreetMap, il mio nome è Rubén e sto aiutando a facilitare la discussione della comunità intorno a questo nuovo strumento e al suo futuro.

**Questo è un momento importante per il futuro delle conversazioni delle comunità OpenStreetMap e voi potete farne parte partecipando a questo argomento!

Ma prima, un po’ di contesto.

Cos’è questo posto e perché esiste?

OSMF ha storicamente mantenuto un insieme di canali e strumenti di comunicazione per supportare le comunità di open mapping e i contributori di tutto il mondo.

Questi canali non si sono evoluti molto negli ultimi 10 anni, e sono una combinazione di sincroni e asincroni:

  • Mailing list (email) - IRC (chat) - Mumble (chat vocale) - BigBlueButton (video)
  • Web forum (discussioni) - OSM Help (supporto) - Diari (commenti)
  • OSM Blogs (Planet) (commenti) - OSM Wiki (commenti/doc)

Negli ultimi anni, le comunità locali hanno anche creato i propri canali utilizzando altri strumenti e servizi non controllati dall’OSMF: Slack, Telegram, Whatsapp, Discord, Reddit, Discourse, Fediverse/Mastodon…

Intorno alla metà del 2020 il WG Operazioni ha espresso il suo interesse nella modernizzazione dei forum OSM e OSM Help (sito Q&A) (issue, meeting notes) e all’inizio del 2021 ha deciso di utilizzare il Discourse come sostituto open source (e self-hosted) per quei due.

(vedi come altre comunità stanno usando Discourse)

Da allora, questa istanza di Discourse è stata impostata (grazie a Grant Slater), incluso il supporto al login OSM (oauth2) (grazie Tom e il resto del WG Ops), così come i plugin per supportare la risoluzione degli argomenti e le risposte in scatola per essere in grado di ospitare argomenti Q&A.

*:pray: Vorremmo anche apprezzare tutti coloro che sono stati attivi nel fornire feedback durante la prima fase di test tecnici: mmd, Tobias, Guillaume, Amanda, Josh, Maggie, pnorman, ian, westnordost, Arnalie, Pete… e molti altri. Grazie mille!

Cosa c’è dopo? Parliamo!

Ci sono ancora molte domande aperte sul futuro di questa piattaforma, e con questo argomento apriamo la fase di co-design con tutti coloro che vogliono essere coinvolti.

Abbiamo intenzione di continuare ad usare questo forum per portare trasparenza e collaborazione al suo sviluppo.

Queste sono alcune delle domande che vogliamo discutere qui, cosa ne pensate?

**️ Rispondi e facci sapere!

  1. Quale modello di governance/responsabilità vogliamo per questo strumento? Chi e come dovrebbe prendere le decisioni?
  2. Quali sono le categorie iniziali che vogliamo abilitare? Quali comunità sosterrebbero?
  3. Qual è il giusto uso delle categorie e dei tag per soddisfare le nostre esigenze?
  4. Come gestiremo le conversazioni in lingue diverse dall’inglese? E le conversazioni basate sulla localizzazione?
  5. Come assicuriamo un’adeguata moderazione? Chi dovrebbe avere accesso (e come) alla moderazione globale e per categoria?
  6. Ci sono altre questioni aperte che volete discutere?

Per favore rispondete a questo messaggio con le vostre idee, per chiarezza sposteremo/divideremo in argomenti separati quelli più popolari.

**Dopo il 31 marzo il gruppo di persone che ha sostenuto questo sforzo consoliderà tutti i feedback e li ripresenteremo alla comunità su questo forum per un ulteriore impegno. Segui questo argomento per avere aggiornamenti.

:blush: Grazie per il tuo tempo e l’interesse nel contribuire a plasmare il futuro delle conversazioni OSM!

*PS: Non hai ancora familiarità con Discourse? Invia un messaggio a @discobot per ottenere alcuni suggerimenti e trucchi.

🌐 中国








  • 邮件列表(电子邮件) - IRC(聊天) - Mumble(语音聊天) - BigBlueButton(视频)
  • 网络论坛(讨论) - OSM帮助(支持) - 日记(评论)
  • OSM博客(星球)(评论) - OSM Wiki(评论/文档)


大约在2020年中期,运营工作组表达了他们对OSM论坛和OSM帮助(问答网站)现代化的兴趣(issue, meeting notes),并在2021年初决定使用Discourse作为这两者的开源(和自我托管)替代品。


从那时起,这个Discourse实例已经建立起来了(感谢Grant Slater),包括OSM(oauth2)登录支持(感谢Tom和Ops WG的其他成员),以及支持主题解析和预制回复的插件,以便能够主持问答主题。







  1. 我们希望这个工具采用哪种管理/问责模式?谁和如何做决定?
    1. 哪些是我们想要启用的初始类别?它们将支持哪些社区?
  2. 什么是正确使用类别和标签来满足我们的需要?
  3. 我们将如何处理英语以外的其他语言的对话?以及基于位置的对话?
  4. 我们如何确保适当的节制?谁应该有机会(以及如何)进入全球和每个类别的审定?
  5. 还有其他你想讨论的开放性问题吗?





🌐 عربي

مرحبا بالجميع،

مرحبًا بك في منتديات مجتمع OpenStreetMap ، اسمي روبين وأنا أساعد في تسهيل مناقشة المجتمع حول هذه الأداة الجديدة ومستقبلها.

** :speaking_head: هذه لحظة مهمة لمستقبل محادثات مجتمعات OpenStreetMap ويمكنك أن تكون جزءًا منها من خلال المشاركة في هذا الموضوع! :blush: **

لكن أولاً ، القليل من السياق.

ما هو هذا المكان ولماذا يوجد؟

حافظت OSMF تاريخياً على مجموعة من قنوات وأدوات الاتصال لدعم مجتمعات رسم الخرائط المفتوحة والمساهمين في جميع أنحاء العالم.

لم تتطور هذه القنوات كثيرًا في السنوات العشر الماضية ، وهي مزيج من المتزامن وغير المتزامن:

  • القوائم البريدية (بريد إلكتروني) - IRC (دردشة) - Mumble (محادثة صوتية) - BigBlueButton (فيديو)
  • منتدى الويب (المناقشات) - تعليمات OSM (الدعم) - اليوميات (التعليقات)
  • مدونات OSM (كوكب) (تعليقات) - OSM Wiki (تعليقات / وثيقة)

خلال السنوات الماضية ، أنشأت المجتمعات المحلية أيضًا قنواتها الخاصة باستخدام أدوات وخدمات أخرى لا يتحكم فيها OSMF: Slack و Telegram و Whatsapp و Discord و Reddit و Discourse و Fediverse / Mastodon …

في حوالي منتصف عام 2020 ، أعربت مجموعة Operations WG عن اهتمامها بتحديث منتديات OSM ومساعدة OSM (موقع الأسئلة والأجوبة) (إصدار ، [ملاحظات الاجتماع](https: //wiki.osmfoundation.org/wiki/Operations/Minutes/2020-08-26#Merge_forums.2C_OSQA.2C_MLs_to_discourse.3F)) وفي أوائل عام 2021 قرر استخدام [الخطاب](https://www.discourse.org /) كبديل مفتوح المصدر (ومستضاف ذاتيًا) لهذين الاثنين.

منذ ذلك الحين ، تم إعداد مثيل الخطاب هذا (بفضل Grant Slater) ، بما في ذلك OSM (oauth2) دعم تسجيل الدخول (شكرًا Tom و بقية Ops WG) ، بالإضافة إلى المكونات الإضافية لدعم حل الموضوع والردود الجاهزة لتتمكن من استضافة موضوعات الأسئلة والأجوبة.

  • :pray: نود أيضًا أن نقدر كل من نشط في تقديم التعليقات أثناء مرحلة الاختبار الفني المبكرة: mmd و Tobias و Guillaume و Amanda و Josh و Maggie و pnorman و ian و westnordost و Arnalie و Pete … وغيرها الكثير. شكرا جزيلا!*

ماذا بعد؟ لنتحدث!

لا يزال هناك الكثير من الأسئلة المفتوحة حول مستقبل هذه المنصة ، ومن خلال هذا الموضوع نفتح مرحلة التصميم المشترك مع كل من يريد المشاركة.

نعتزم الاستمرار في استخدام هذا المنتدى لتحقيق الشفافية والتعاون في تطويره.

هذه بعض الأسئلة التي نريد مناقشتها هنا ، ما رأيك؟

** :leftwards_arrow_with_hook: رد وأعلمنا! **

  1. [ما هو نموذج الحوكمة / المساءلة الذي نريده لهذه الأداة؟ من وكيف ينبغي اتخاذ القرارات؟](https://community.openstreetmap.org/t/which-governance-accountability-model-do-we-want-for-this-tool-who-and-how-should- اتخاذ القرارات / 220)
  2. ما هي الفئات الأولية التي نريد تمكينها؟ ما المجتمعات التي قد يدعمونها؟
  3. ما هو الاستخدام الصحيح للفئات والعلامات لخدمة احتياجاتنا؟
  4. كيف سنتعامل مع المحادثات بلغات أخرى غير الإنجليزية؟ والمحادثات القائمة على الموقع؟
  5. كيف نضمن الاعتدال المناسب؟ من الذي يجب أن يتمتع بإمكانية الوصول (وكيف) إلى الإشراف العام وكل فئة؟
  6. هل هناك سؤال مفتوح آخر تريد مناقشته؟

يرجى الرد على هذه الرسالة بأفكارك ، من أجل الوضوح ، سننتقل / نقسم إلى مواضيع منفصلة وأكثرها شيوعًا.

** بعد الحادي والثلاثين من مارس ، ستقوم مجموعة الأشخاص الذين كانوا يدعمون هذا الجهد بدمج جميع التعليقات وسنقدمها إلى المجتمع في هذا المنتدى لمزيد من المشاركة. اتبع هذا الموضوع للحصول على التحديثات. **

:blush: شكرًا على وقتك واهتمامك بالمساعدة في تشكيل مستقبل محادثات OSM!

  • ملاحظة: ما زلت غير مألوف في الخطاب؟ أرسل رسالة إلىdiscobot للحصول على بعض النصائح والحيل. *

Hello everyone,

Welcome to the OpenStreetMap Community forums, my name is Rubén and I’m helping facilitate the community discussion around this new tool and its future.

:speaking_head: This is an important moment for the future of OpenStreetMap communities conversations and you can be part of it getting involved in this topic! :blush:

But first, a bit of context.

What is this place and why does it exist?

OSMF has historically maintained a set of communications channels and tools to support open mapping communities and contributors around the world.

These channels haven’t evolved much in the past 10 years, and they are a combination of synchronous and asynchronous:

  • Mailing lists (email) - IRC (chat) - Mumble (voice chat) - BigBlueButton (video)
  • Web forum (discussions) - OSM Help (support) - Diaries (comments)
  • OSM Blogs (Planet) (comments) - OSM Wiki (comments/doc)

During the past years, local communities have also created their own channels using other tools and services not controlled by the OSMF: Slack, Telegram, Whatsapp, Discord, Reddit, Discourse, Fediverse/Mastodon…

Around mid-2020 the Operations WG expressed their interest into modernizing OSM forums and OSM Help (Q&A site) (issue, meeting notes) and in early-2021 decided using the Discourse as an open source (and self-hosted) replacement for those two.

(see how other communities are using Discourse)

Since then, this Discourse instance has been set up (thanks to Grant Slater), including OSM (oauth2) login support (thanks Tom and the rest of the Ops WG), as well as plugins to support topic resolution and canned replies to be able to host Q&A topics.

:pray: We would like to also appreciate everyone who has been active providing feedback during the early technical testing phase: mmd, Tobias, Guillaume, Amanda, Josh, Maggie, pnorman, ian, westnordost, Arnalie, Pete… and many others. Thanks so much!

What’s next? Let’s talk!

There are still a lot of open questions about the future of this platform, and with this topic we open the co-design phase with everyone who wants to be involved.

We intend to keep using this forum to bring transparency and collaboration to its development.

These are some of the questions we want to discuss here, what do you think?

:leftwards_arrow_with_hook: Reply and let us know!

  1. Which governance/accountability model do we want for this tool? Who and how should decisions being made?
  2. :white_check_mark: Which are the initial categories we want to enable? Which communities would they support?
  3. What’s the right use of categories and tags to serve our needs?
  4. :white_check_mark: How will we handle conversations on other languages than English? And location-based conversations?
  5. How do we ensure proper moderation? Who should have access (and how) to global and per-category moderation?
  6. Are there other open question you want to discuss?

Please reply to this message with your ideas, for clarity we will move/split into separate topics the most popular ones.

After March 31st the group of people who has been supporting this effort will consolidate all the feedback and we’ll present back to the community on this forum for further engagement. Follow this topic to get updates.

:blush: Thanks for your time and interest in helping shape the future of OSM conversations!

PS: Not familiar with Discourse? Check this guide or send a message to @discobot to get tips and tricks.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Which are the initial categories we want to enable? Which communities would they support?

I believe questions 2 and 4 are related.

Nobody wants to experience the full region x language x topic x local-chapter-server range. But how can we simplify this?

One idea to get the ball rolling: what about having one server per language, and a more or less elaborated federation among servers?


Can you elaborate a bit more on the the issues that you see by using just this instance? What do you think might be confusing, what can be beneficial to users?

I elaborated my thoughts in a reply to you here: Handling categories and languages - #7 by StC

A subject that would be useful to treat: some weeks ago, there was a looong debate on the tagging ML about the question of consensus: is it a goal or a way to take a decision? Is the ML the better place/tool to use/reach consensus? Which tools would be preferable? And so on…

The present Discourse instance was viewed by some users (I’m among them) as a better way to reach consensus than the tagging ML:

  • it allows quick polls to be made upon specific points of the debated matter, which is more light as a formal vote and could be used as the IETF “humming” (the RFC #7282 was dedicated to explain such points of the IETF decision-making process, which proved useful in this debate; you may want to read it as well, as it is quite enlightening upon the traps of a decision-making process);
  • it allows to approve one’s comment by smileys/likes without the need of a formal answer, limiting the constant branching of debates by persons wanting to react to a comment, reactions which in turn provoke other reactions…
  • it allows to split a debate in sub-topics, to prevent the debate going in unexpected directions;
  • it may allow moderation of the debate by a chair, provided that we could find a way to elect/designate a chair in Discourse for some debates…

These matters would need further discuss, but the opinion of some persons in this debate was that the ML was a sub-optimal tool, and that Discourse may be a better place for debates. There were some cons opinions expressed by people preferring the ML, but two points proved especially blocking for several people, and it seems that removing this block would greatly increase the acceptance of Discourse:

  • the possibility of receiving daily/weekly digests on some particular categories/tags, and only on these sections;
  • the possibility to receive mail notifications when an answer is posted to a given topic, with the possibility to answer to this given topic by a simple mail answer.

These are the points I remember about this debate; you may find additional details by reading the ML archives of this debate. Taking the questions and opinions raised there into account may be extremely useful, both by increasing the acceptance level of Discourse, and by providing a better tool than ML for debates.


Thanks for your feedback, it’s definitely informative on the current challenges we can try to solve by implementing more modern tools like discourse.

Both options are already enabled in this instance. Under you user preferences - Email you can set up the digest to be daily or weekly, and it will include the categories/tags you are tracking or watching.

Congratulations on the new forum! Definitely worth a new look and powerful community service. :clap:


Great that these options are available! Once the instance is fully set up, with categories and all, it would be great to warn the community that this possibility exist and that debates may happen here with these options.

What with the moderation issues I talked about?

The current plan is to have at least a few moderators per category, as well as global moderators. The good thing is that anyone can flag posts with issues and we can always merge and split messages and topics when needed.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Proposal - Language and location based content and categories

Great development. This modernization was much needed. This would also result in a mobile friendly forum.

My biggest wish with this new forum is that the (tagging) voting can move from OSM wiki to this forum. If possible, voting and discussing here would make the process much more accessible to all OSM contributers. Writing the proposals can still be done on wiki but discussion and especially voting should move to here. This would need a proposal category on this forum where post can be made for RFC and voting.


That reminds me on how the Rust project handles conversations around their RFC, this talk might be relevant to inform OSM thinking.

I agree that this forum could potentially be a much more accessible platform for discussing and voting on proposals than wiki pages. There are a lot more contributors with an OSM account than an OSM wiki account and the usability of a poll tool easily beats that of manually adding templates and signatures to a list in wiki syntax.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Proposal - Language and location based content and categories

As long as there is a way to log the result of a vote on the wiki afterwards, this seems fine. I do like how the current voting process strongly emphasizes explaining why someone votes against a proposal. Would that be possible with Discourse?

One of the major problems for every worldwide community platform is the language barrier. Not everyone feels fit to debate complex matters in english and using a translations software to work your way through an extensive topic is a tiring thing, not to talk about the quality of the outcome which has significantly increased over the past years (at least for the most widespread languages) but still does not match what I would call close to perfect.

There are so many users in countries all over the world contributing to the database as well as to the national forums backing off from participation in these basical discussions because of this language barrier. I am sure many of them would be ready and able to deliver valuable input and it is a pity all this knowledge and expertise remains an unused treasure.

My vision of a such a community platform would be some kind of integrated translator showing the content of each and every post in the language any user has chosen as default so that everyone interested in participation could do so in the own language without any restriction. Yep, this is some kind of science fiction only - but this would finally be a real big step forward in multilingual communication.

Just a thought … :sunglasses:


Well, great inspiration. The WeeklyOSM newsletter uses Google Translate. I am not happy with Google, but it’s useful for such situations.

So this forum should have:

  • a setting for each user, what language(s) are acceptable
  • the feature to decode the used language of a post
  • a button at each post “translate to my language”

I doubt, Discourse will / could have all that.

1 Like

@Map_HeRo @karlos There is an option of an integrated translation plugin, see the following topic

This plugin may not solve everything but it surely addresses quite a bit of the desires you each have. Check it out and if you believe this would be a worthy addition to our community forums here please reply or :heart: the post so it gets more attention.

Furthermore, translation with DeepL is possible with an existing fork of the translation plugin; DeepL is really fantastic for translation, my friend a professional translator uses it all the time. Maybe it’s not perfect but is objectively much better than all the others.