Vote ‘Restructure wiki page key:name’ (cancelled)

Well um, … no. We have an ethos of being a do-ocracy, which I took advantage of.

For the alternative approaches, look up under “rendering busways on Carto”, … “rendering natural=fell on Carto”, … “rendering ruins on Carto”…

(Sorry, I couldn’t resist taking a jab. :pensive:)

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If someone takes the trouble to discuss something first, to me it’s common courtesy to take part in the discussion and/or wait for the outcome.

I have said. I’m out.


This ends my membership of OSM here and now.
Thanks to everyone who contributed constructively. I’m sorry I can’t support you any further. All the best.

Robert (robhubi)


I’m sad we lost you as a dedicated and thoughtful contributor @Robhubi, but I understand fully your decision based on what happened through this endeavor.

I hope this will perhaps make some people here rethink how they interact with the community.

Take care.