village without road names

Hi there. I have a few questions:

  1. How should I map addresses and house numbers in a village without road names?
  2. Should I add the tags for a coffehouse to the ‘building=yes area’ or to a extra node?
  3. Is it right to set house numbers in the ‘name=’ tag (e.g. name=No. 43) or should house numbers be tagged like that: ‘addr:housenumber=43’. Or should I set both tags?
  4. In some villages you can see the name of the village twice, because on one hand the name is tagged in the area of the village and on the other hand the name is tagged to a single node. Which name tag should be deleted?

You could look at this village to know what I have meant:

Thanks in advance,

  1. I would suggest that you enter the name of the village next to addr:place also in addr:street … anyone not agree?

  2. If that is a building that constists of only the coffehouse, then add all tags to the building area. If there is a building with some more features or more POIs, the use the node based solution.

  3. the name-tag is NOT for housenumbers! please always use addr:housenumber

  4. It is not so very neccessary to delete one of them. In my opinion, the place-node is very important and has to stay. This doubling effect is in most cases due to some mappers that draw an outline of a village or hamlet derived from the Bing aireal photos and tag it with area=residential and name=XXX … But I think that an area of a place hast to be defined by the administartive borders, and for this purpose it is very common to use boundary relations that cover the whole area next to each village around.

Will look at you area later …

There is also a German subforum here if you are native speaker.


Thank you for your answers,
but I did not understood the 4. answer.
Can I remove the ‘name=’ tag from the outline of the village or from the place-node?
I think connecting the outline of the village and the node with a relation should also be possible, so that the renderer displays the name only one time…
