If they’re definitely bugs then I think the correct place is the Versatiles github repository. (Or at least I hope so as I made one for it rendering some piers the same colour as the underlying water which seems to be an error rather than a choice.)
If it’s more to do with choices and omissions made by the style then I don’t know. That might be a thing for the Spirit style rather than Versatiles Styles? What is actually going to be used when we get to the stage where there are vector stiles on OpenStreetMap.org?
This post seems to lay out the various places to report the various issues, but I don’t know if some or all parts of it have been overridden in the subsequent ~100 posts.
On a slight tangent: is anyone else seeing fine lines at the tile boundaries for the land/kind=forest polygons? e.g. here I don’t know if this is a style issue or an issue with the way Maplibre is behaving in my browser(s):
I don’t know if my eyes are playing tricks on me but I think I’m also getting blurrier looking icons than they appear to be in @Minh_Nguyen’s post am I missing a pale halo that’s meant to give an unsharp mask-like effect or is this a jpeg compression thing? (or am I crazy?)
(I know these aren’t technically tile issues. Please direct me to the right thread, if there is one.)