Is it possible to use Overpass-turbo to search for changesets that were created by a specific editor? The changesets can be found in the ChangesetMD database by searching the created_by tag. But I’m also looking for specific tags created by the editor.
At some point I made the same query in the OSM Telegram group, the answer was: “It is not possible” and I was redirected to OSMCha , the moment I was able to filter the editors in OSMCha I stopped looking for answers in the OverPass API.
I will be visiting this thread to see if anything has changed regarding this, or if you find an answer I will be grateful to read it in this thread.
Thanks for pointing out OSMCha. I was able to create a query of the editor and tag. Being able to query on both editor and tag reduced the size from over 2500 changesets to around 900.
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