Use of public transport lines only as layer

I would like to use only the public transport lines from OpenStreetMap as an overlay on other maps on my smartphone app. Would that be possible? If so, can you tell me the tile URL tile addresses for just the public transport lines?

If possible, it depends on how involved you want to be.
Are you an app developer or a user?
Ă–PNVKarte and Thunderforest Transport and Thunderforest Transport Dark have them integrated.
Openptmap It doesn’t work anymore but Facilmap has created its own layer for use on its website.{z}/{x}/{y}.png
Regarding usage permissions, you should contact them to find out if you can use the URL.

You can also use any vector services to create your own json style and use it in the app.
Thunderforest provides a transportation-focused Vector Sources API.
With MapBox you can also create a public transport style and link it to the app as tms, wmts, json style,…
There are also MapLibre and MapTiler which offer fabulous utilities for layer design.
I mention vector data because it will be the easiest to use if you are a developer.

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Thank you very much, this is exactly what I was looking for. I only added an $ ({$z}/{$x}/{$y}.png), and so I can use it in my app as layer. In fact I am a user, not a developer. Facilmap is under GNU license, so it should be possible to use.


The software is open source, that does not imply the tiles are or that it’s okay to use their tile service in another app.

If it’s for your personnal use, I guess it’s okay, but if you’re publishing an app or something you should ask specific permission.



I looked up again. I did not find any contact information on openfacilamp. They ask you to use their forum, for which you need a registration. But I found the information, that public transport is only a layer which originates from (see here Map styles (layers) | FacilMap). But I acannot even open
So maybe someone has acces to the openfacilmap-forum and could launch a question to be totally shure.

It seems that openptmap is discontinued, only their code remains.

As for contacting facilmap maintainer, on the wiki page, you’ll gettheir OSM user name, so you can use an OSM message… Or maybe he’ll see this tag @Candid_Dauth ! :wink:

Maybe a public github issue would be best, as everyone will see the answer.


I don’t mind if you use the tiles. For now I don’t have a problem with too high traffic. If that changes one day and no donations come in, I’ll have to find a solution.

Keep in mind that the tiles are not receiving updates yet, so they might show outdated information. I will implement updates at some point, but haven’t found the time yet.