My question is if its possible to update any of the attribute that is available in downloaded data in pbf format. And also is there a way to update or correct the elevation data which we are getting it from the plugin.
Adding more details as suggested.
Server is created as localhost similar to graphhopper. Using the application of Routing API to extract the map attributes from the downloaded map. My question is if we can change any of these attributes that is extracted if it is not correct. Is there an option to edit the downloaded pbf format. If so, how can it be done
I have downloaded map database from OSM in pbf format. I have created a server to extract the relevant information for the interested latitude and longitude points from the maps in an offline mode. Also added SRTM plugin to extract the elevation data.
The answer is almost certainly “yes” , but I suspect that you might need to add a few more details about what you’ve actually done before people will be able to give you helpful advice.
I’m guessing that you’re asking about “nominatim”, but I’m not 100% sure…
PS: I’ve edited the question from “pfg” from “pbf” - I hope that is correct.