Uncleared OSM Notes

Have noticed over the last little while that the tally of Notes is slowly creeping up again :cry:

I mentioned it previously that, unfortunately, quite a few of them appear to have been made by quite experienced mappers who seem happy to create them, but then seemingly leave them for other people to clear? :thinking: NB, this is not aimed at people like David D, who creates heaps of them, but then goes back in & clears them! :+1:

Just spotted this anonymous Note: Note: 3454925 | OpenStreetMap, which really doesnā€™t seem like the sort of comment that some random person just wandering down the street would make?

So, what do you all think - should we be fixing other mapperā€™s Notes, or just leave them there to fix themselves?

That note really seems to be a changeset comment (explaining why he made a change). I think the note ought to be deleted.

I donā€™t think there should be any pressure to fix other peopleā€™s notes. I think there is the scope for making a note about (for example) ā€œsomething that needs to be done sometimeā€ that I donā€™t have the opportunity to do. I donā€™t have a problem with that note hanging around until someone spots it who does have the opportunity to fix the issue. If no-one has the opportunity or inclination - I am quite happy it stays there forever. It is doing no harm.

The path under construction was added ~3 months ago & nothings been updated since, so I donā€™t think it is. Theyā€™re quite possibly saying that the construction work has now been completed so it can be marked as finished, but thatā€™s not yet visible in any imagery, so we should leave it till it is finalised.

Quite definitely, & thatā€™s what theyā€™re for! Iā€™m created a few myself for things that Iā€™ve spotted remotely, but needs somebody on the ground to check.

True, but it was so nice, seeing them drop from ~4500 outstanding, down to 338 in the space of 2 months! :grinning:

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Iā€™m guilty of leaving a notes when Iā€™m midway through an edit and something else catches my eye. I try to go back and fix them but sometimes I do forget.

I understand itā€™s disheartening to have the number of open tickets go up, but I would rather have more notes than have these fixed/changes go unflagged because an experienced mapper avoided leaving a note.

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