Third-party jsdelivr

Every time I go to edit, I have to open things up to permit connections to, which I don’t normally allow because they seldom have content I need. Blind calls to third-party CDNs are risky, you should be minimizing that as much as possible. What happens when (not if) jsdelivr gets compromised and starts serving out malicious code to your well-meaning editors? You should grab whatever content you need from them, VET IT, and then serve it out locally via resources that you control instead.

If I caught, say, my bank pulling stunts like that I’d be out of there immediately.


I believe it’s only used for loading data - our security policy wouldn’t allow any code to be loaded from it.

Specifically it seems to be used for the tagging presets, the name suggestion index and the community index.


uMatrix and Firefox’s network tab confirm: only loads from jsdelivr with XHR queries, not code loads:

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