The World's biggest benches, according to OSM

Judging from the Bing imagery, the shape of the first one seems to match the actual shape of the foundation.

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Great idea! I think such plausibility checks are very helpful to find wrong tagged objects.

For the bench in particular, there are several attempts to build the longest bench in the world. Would be awesome to get rid of all wrong benches until your list shows all the attempts of building the longest bench… Hmm, I just realized that it’s according to the wiki it’s not recommended to tag benches as area but only point or way are suggested. I guess your script will not find ways?

Btw: have you considered publishing your script?

Edit: I just found that overpass can determine the length of a way. If someone interested, this is the query: way(if: length() > 100)["amenity"="bench"]({{bbox}});

its called footprint


Exactly. In Nederland it’s called “standaardmolen”, literally “support mill”.
It’s a support structure with a mill building on top. The whole building can rotate on the support.

I’ve been playing around with that and it’s even easier than running my script!

This sort of query is also useful for finding examples where people put a “main tag” when they clearly meant a “side tag”: many of the biggest areas with amenity=toilets are probably campsites, supermarkets etc. with toilets, so a better tag would be toilets=yes. Same for defibrillators, but I think we don’t have a (documented) “side tag” like defibrillator=yes that just says this shop/amenity/POI has a defibrillator somewhere.