The "OSM Standard tile layer" looks wrong (white lines, abusive comments etc.)

Considering how well “AI” does with Overpass queries: I wish it was. It seems to be completely hopeless for OSM stuff.


But whatever you do, don’t call it a cyberattack :roll_eyes:


I do not see the surplus value of calling this a cyber attack. Of course it is. Locally we have a number of jokes of the “of course …” type :popcorn:. Are you in the know more than me – are there calls for ransom? An Advanced Persistent Threat actor behind the scenes?

I just checked for Germany, Zoom level 13 is the worst affected but also level 14, and Rheinland-Pfalz and Hessen seem to be hit particularly hard with almost 50% of the tiles full of these lanes but you find them everywhere, in Thüringen, Bayern, all over the place, most are just white, some with English or Ukrainian text. Hope this can be fixed soon.

:white_check_mark: Advanced
:white_check_mark: Persistent
:white_check_mark: Threat actor
:white_check_mark: behind the scenes

Seems like it checks the box to me.

Apparently I’m the only one that’s noticed that the attacks have become more frequent and more severe. But by all means be cavalier about it and keep pretending that yakking about things in this thread is going to solve anything.

(If you are looking for the proper reaction to this post, please find the :hugs: emoji)



Winnipeg, Manitoba, June 16th 2024. I also checked other areas too, and they’re messed up too.

This is also affecting the map layer that the Winnipeg Transit app uses, which is how I found out about this.

Edit: I cleared the browsers cache, to reload the tiles, and there was no change.

Even openstreetmap . org

shows vandalized tiles and hard reload does not change anything.
A sample tile is


I guess it is NOT Ukainian … there are no Є,є,І,і,Ї or ї in the text …
It is Cyrillic for sure but maybe rather Russian than Ukainian …
(I’m not really familiar with the languages, but know there is this difference in the alphabet! :wink: …)

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Check the data-layer. If the data is correct it has already been reverted and you need to wait until all renders keep up. If not please send email to DWG (address should be somewhere here in thus thread).

Yes I know and yes the data objects have already been removed.

But it has been stated repeatedly in this thread that hard reload will regenerate tiles. This is wrong, it doesn’t and not only on third party sites but on the OSM own page too.

This happens as the tilerenderers by the OSMF are overloaded in times of vandalism waves and also have a bug in the tech stack (mod_tile) resulting in delivering dirty tiles (and in this case with vandalism attached).

I also have this weird overlap with streets all over the place. I also find that my map is blurry and I can see the border of the tiles (a thin white line). Is it related to the ongoing attack ?

Thanks a lot to everyone here for fighting this vandalism!


This is different from the vandalism on, because these are not OSMF tiles. How are third party tiles like this one affected? Does it mean a planet dump has been affected by the vandalism? Does it mean they are building tiles from poisoned diffs, or getting OSM data in some other way?

Blurry is because the zoom level up has to be re-rendered (and you get a tile by a lower zoom level scaled-up as the re-rendering is not done by overloaded servers).

The grid lines (tile borders) are sth. new on website css style since a few weeks, but this is unrelated.

It is this, that is what happened. OSM data is a wonderful mountain stream that normally has drinking quality water but sometimes a big storm washes the manure from a field next to the river into the stream and you should not update into the osm data (that stream) at this time. So you need a QA (testing the water) before using a diff from planet replication. That is also why some downstream data processors like e.g. the CyclOSM layer are currently affected while others are not as those others do the QA checks before using diff data.


Thank you for your answer!

So for the blur we only have to wait I guess ?
And the grid lines, where I can learn more about it because I’d like to get rid of it, if possible. Thanks!

Pia, you may be right about the language used, but the messages appear to have an anti-Russian or anti-Putin meaning. Not an expert on both languages either but that’s what I figured out by googling for these sentences.