The new silo does not feel good

Can this be made, so the subcategory is more prominently shown in topics or lists of topics? The Austrian community subcategory is inundated by posts from German community members.

As much as is about countering silo-ification, there is not much won by silo-consolidation, i.e. one community being absorbed by a ten times bigger and hundred times more talkative one.

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I would only see this as problem if they would ignore country specific differences, but I don’t have the impression that someone isn’t aware in which subcategory they are posting

You can e.g. bookmark a direct link into the category (like so Österreich (Austria) - OpenStreetMap Community) for easy access.

It would be useful if can you describe the issues happening more in detail or with an example.

Is there an influx of messages or topics not related with Austria from these people?

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Country-specific differences can also exist in the way you interact with each other, or the words you use - not just hard-and-fast tagging rules. I can understand that even if a thing is factually the same in Austria and Germany, the Austrian community would occasionally like to form an opinion among themselves, without being “nudged” by the 100-times-more-talkative giant next door :wink:


Ja, dieses Bedürfnis gibt es sicherlich. Konstruktive Beiträge von außen können aber auch sehr inspirierend auf eine Gemeinschaft wirken, wenn sie in wohl dosiertem Rahmen bleiben.


It is not new topics, just follow-ups. Must be the /latest entry point. Actually, subcategory should be visible good enough there.

Somehow I managed to get e-mail, when a new topic is created there. Looking again: From the bell icon top-right.

One option is setting the Germany category to Muted. I recently did some testing of how muting categories works:

It means the posts won’t show up in the main Latest section at the root of the site, but you can still browse the category separately and you’ll still get notifications if somone mentions you or replies to a post you made in the category.