tagging "NamedAfter"

I had the idea to add a tag for streets etc to link to the wikipedia article of the person (or event), after which the street was named.
Only to find that user MichalP (https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/User:MichalP) had the same idea before - and even created a wiki project page for it:

However it looks like it has not got any feedback so far.

My search on taginfo returned no results for the suggested tag (http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/search?q=wikipedianamedafter)

Does anyone know, if this idea has already been discussed (under a different topic)? Anyway any feedback is appreciated.

best regards


edit (2013-02-23):
After some more investigation, I have found this discussion in Key:wikipedia about "Linking to related subjects":
So I think it is better to add new ideas there (instead of using this forum post)