Tagging for Community rooms

Hi All, first time posting, apologies if this is answered elsewhere, but I didn’t find anything with a search. I’m looking for some tagging advice.

In our local area some of the social housing has associated “community rooms”. These are often in a seperate building from the housing itself (which could either be flats or discrete housing). They are generally only for use of the social housing residents and not open for public use. They typically contain a large lounge area with seating / tables and usually small kitchen and toilet facilities.

What type of feature would you tag these as? The closest I can see is a “community hall” but that suggests something larger than these are, and doesn’t quite feel right to me?

Any tips appreciated

Sounds like Tag:amenity=community_centre - OpenStreetMap Wiki ? Subtag with community_centre=meeting_room and access=private and maybe community_centre:for = neighbourhood?


Great, thanks for the help