Tagging av skyddsrum

Even if I wouldt manage to write in swedish (it would just take more time) I write in english, but answering in swedish is absolutely fine for me (Speaking is absolutely no problem for me it is just the writing that takes more time…)

Looking through Kiruna - and notes that could be worked on - I came over this changeset

Well shelter does not seem right for me but what is better and used on other places in Sweden?

From the wiki
But does this show the way these places are thought to hopefully never be used or is there a wider range of use?

We need to come up with a decent system I feel like, there isn’t a good consensus in any which way so I created a discussion on the tagging just now about it. Please add your thoughts there on what you think would be good, as well as what the shelters are used for within your country etc.

I think bunker_type=bomb_shelter is perfect and haven’t sumbled across it before. But it almost perfectly fits the description and current use on the wiki page, maybe with the small difference that we don’t generally expect bombings. However, the wiki page can easily be updated to reflect that.