I’m faced with the issue of ‘summer temporary bollards’ on a way, that will prevent routers to choose that way all the time if I use ordinary, even ‘removable’ bollards.
At this moment I added a basic comment,
temporary, only from June 15 to Sept 15
but I am pretty sure no router will account for this.
Is there a better way of doing?
(You can see one of them here centre image, on the way named ‘Route des buis’.
I used the online editor, and published the change “asking for a cross-check”)
Thank you @whb and @mcliquid !
I now corrected my bollards precisely.
Incidentally, it has been quite interesting to see the various latencies in the three website routers (GraphHopper, OSRM and Valhalla) : while the latter reacted within hours, OSRM took a couple of days to update its input map and GraphHopper… is still on last week’s old version, ignoring the bollards…
In short : do select Valhalla in case of recent changes