Steve Coast about maps..

Difference between “open” and open:

Nice usecase of OSM data: maps for vizualization of citizen initatives made by german official politic portal.

Very helpful:
How to visualize 3D by use of Qgis2threejs ( )

If somebody understand german: here yo can find and see the presentation from the german OSM conference FOSSGIS 2014:

Do you know this comparing of different map styles?:

For your information:

We would like to inform you of the availability of a new JOSM plugin called "OSMantic” that automatically suggests tags during the editing process [1]. The plugin aims to both provide a better user experience and enhance the quality of OSM data by helping users discover new tags relevant for the objects being edited.

This plugin is part of a research project conducted at Memorial University, Canada. The study involves tests of the plugin by the user community (you!) followed by a quick feedback. The plugin and the tests will be reported in a chapter of a forthcoming book titled “OpenStreetMap in GIScience: Experiences, Research, Applications” [2].

It would be great if you could spend a few minutes to test this plugin and report on your experience.
You can easily add the plugin to the interface by enabling it through the JOSM preferences
Edit → Preferences → Plugin : Search: Semantic

At the end of your test, please spend a few minutes filling the very short questionnaire to report on your experience with the plugin [3]. The link to the questionnaire is also displayed on the plugin interface.

Thank you and don’t hesitate to email us directly if you have questions ( The more people will do this, the best it will be for our study.

Arnaud Vandecasteele and Rodolphe Devillers


Pacman with OSM maps as app:

Open Data for Resilience Initiative :


Please take a look:
