Someone edited name of these POIs without editing brand, and other brand self-conflicts

So, I was looking at tagging of some POIs. So far I fixed some clear unfinished edits or mistaggings.

And submitted fixes for NSI suggesting outright wrong tags (somehow it was not noticed so far and people applied “upgrades” blindly, without checking) - see for example link Q21100245 (Anicura) for Anicura entry, not Q110299350 (Animates) by matkoniecz · Pull Request #10390 · osmlab/name-suggestion-index · GitHub and Poczta Polska is branded, no need for operator tag by matkoniecz · Pull Request #10076 · osmlab/name-suggestion-index · GitHub

I also added some missing info to Wikidata (which is used by my QA script) about relation between some brands.

I also discovered that it is relatively common, especially for user editing with Organic Maps, to change only name tag without doing anything about brand or brand:wikidata and other tags

These leaves objects in an inconsistent state. In case someone would be interested in fixing some, here is a small sample of them. I am definitely not going to fix all of them.

Not sure yet what would be best done with them, maybe remote fixing is fine in general (remove brand, brand:wikidata and other tagging that referred to previous shop version). I did it in cases which I investigated and where I was sure enough to edit OpenStreetMap.

In some cases it was simply a typo, rather than someone changing name of a shop (say, someone linked some German town instead of brand).

Also, in some cases my detector returned bogus entries where OpenStreetMap was 100% fine (for example Wikidata was having multiple entries for one brand).

And obviously it would be great to fix one of root causes - problems with Organic Maps editor. For now I started Is Organic Maps editor handling brand tag? · organicmaps · Discussion #10043 · GitHub

Here is a small list of some apparently affected elements where brand:wikidata and maybe also other tags are likely wrong (please, do not edit them if situation is dubious):

  1. Way History: ‪Chick-fil-A‬ (‪487541402‬) | OpenStreetMap
  2. Node History: ‪KFC‬ (‪4020087645‬) | OpenStreetMap
  3. Node History: ‪Greggs‬ (‪4780067196‬) | OpenStreetMap
  4. Way History: ‪Dunkin'‬ (‪1228810380‬) | OpenStreetMap
  5. Node History: ‪Żabka‬ (‪10951450889‬) | OpenStreetMap
  6. Node History: ‪Żabka‬ (‪11940009911‬) | OpenStreetMap
  7. Node History: ‪Kay Jewelers‬ (‪4653464296‬) | OpenStreetMap
  8. Way History: ‪Lewiatan‬ (‪1011082236‬) | OpenStreetMap
  9. Way History: ‪Lewiatan‬ (‪1011082236‬) | OpenStreetMap
  10. Node History: ‪Esso‬ (‪228128409‬) | OpenStreetMap
  11. Node History: ‪Esso‬ (‪228128409‬) | OpenStreetMap
  12. Node History: ‪IP‬ (‪227941559‬) | OpenStreetMap
  13. Way History: ‪OMV‬ (‪1303311572‬) | OpenStreetMap
  14. Node History: ‪Willys Hemma Malmö Möllevången‬ (‪1306158755‬) | OpenStreetMap
  15. Node History: ‪BP‬ (‪287005227‬) | OpenStreetMap
  16. Way History: 144785914 | OpenStreetMap
  17. Way History: ‪PNC Bank‬ (‪238813022‬) | OpenStreetMap

(I can share similar listing of another objects in private if someone fears edit conflicts, or list more here if there is an interest)

Presumably it’s not specific to brand tags, rather it would apply to all tags that should be checked again when a business changes? E.g. the KFC at number 2 in that list also looks to have various obsolete contact: tags.

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Yes, exactly - maybe I should expand “maybe also other tags are likely wrong” to be more clear.

In some cases only name was changed and all other tags stayed behind. Not sure what to do with fuel: tags when it happens to fuel station. Delete them? Keep?

Also, as reminder: some listings may be bogus. Let me know if it happens. Method used to find them is not foolproof.

I mean this is the whole problem with brand and similar tags, isn’t it? The tagging scheme requires that more than one tag be edited at the same time, and the list of tags that need to be edited is potentially infinite. It’s no surprise not all editors implement it the same way.


Someone who’s familiar with the concept of OSM tags will surely just click on the list (however it is displayed) and remove the ones that no longer apply. That’s what I did here**. If someone doesn’t do that then someone who cares about those other tags will presumably pick it up later. The person who noticed that the shop name had changed is still making a useful contribution by changing the name; we don’t what to put road-blocks in the way of them doing that.

** the old shop’s parent is the same as the new shop’s parent; this is just a rebranding exercise. At the time of the edit I’d no idea whether OSM knew about the new shop name never mind the brand. It turns out so far that the consensus for the new brand name is the same as differently-named shops for the same owner.

We talked about brand:wikipedia now falling out of sync because it’s no longer included in NSI, and you made a QA tool. Thank you. This is essentially an extension of that.

StreetComplete is the best here, they have a list of keys that they remove when you change a POI.

iD and Rapid could have some improvements around closing POIs, but if you are going from preset to preset, it does OK.

JOSM just does the blind adding/overriding of tags in the preset. If you want to turn an amenity=* into a shop=*, the amenity tag will be left. brand:wikipedia will be left. However I don’t think there are brand presets in default JOSM? I expect most people who use JOSM don’t know how to add the NSI presets.

Vespucci is the worst, not only do it just blindly apply the new preset while removing nothing, it also doesn’t add brand:wikidata/leaves the existing one.

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You may be interested in Go Outdoors Express · Issue #10392 · osmlab/name-suggestion-index · GitHub

Vespucci at least allows to manually remove them and if you edit raw tag list you will not have problems.

Organic Maps makes it outright impossible to make a fully correct edit (though it is still better than keeping wrong name).

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