Some city names will not be displayed

Hi all!

Another day, another curious problem…

I’m using this query to get the city and town names:

              WHEN (place = 'city') THEN 1
              ELSE 2
            END as category,
            round(ascii(md5(osm_id::text)) / 55) AS dir -- base direction factor on geometry to be consistent across metatiles
                    WHEN (tags->'population' ~ '^[0-9]{1,8}$') THEN (tags->'population')::INTEGER
                    WHEN (place = 'city') THEN 100000
                    WHEN (place = 'town') THEN 1000
                    ELSE 1
                    WHEN (tags @> 'capital=>4') THEN 2
                    ELSE 1
                ) AS score
              FROM planet_osm_point
              WHERE place IN ('city', 'town')
                AND name IS NOT NULL
                AND NOT (tags @> 'capital=>yes')
            ) as p
          ORDER BY score DESC, length(name) DESC, name

The query works, so I can see the city and town I’d like to display, but… some of them will not be displayed…
Example: Meißen, with a score of 28282 and category 2 will not be displayed, but Döbeln, with a score of 21365 and category 2 does.
The styles (copied from openstreetmap-carto) are:

#placenames-medium::high-importance {
  [category = 1][zoom < 14] {
    [zoom >= 4][zoom < 5][score >= 3000000],
    [zoom >= 5][zoom < 8][score >= 400000] {
      shield-file: url('symbols/place/place-4.svg');
      shield-text-dx: 4;
      shield-text-dy: 4;
      shield-name: '[name]';
      shield-face-name: @book-fonts;
      shield-fill: @placenames;
      shield-size: 11;
      shield-wrap-width: 30; // 2.7 em
      shield-line-spacing: -1.65; // -0.15 em
      shield-margin: 7.7; // 0.7 em
      shield-halo-fill: @standard-halo-fill;
      shield-halo-radius: @standard-halo-radius * 1.5;
      shield-placement-type: simple;
      shield-placements: 'S,N,E,W';
      [dir = 1] {
        shield-placements: 'N,S,E,W';
      shield-unlock-image: true;

      [zoom >= 5] {
        shield-wrap-width: 45; // 4.1 em
        shield-line-spacing: -1.1; // -0.10 em
      [zoom >= 6] {
        shield-size: 12;
        shield-wrap-width: 60; // 5.0 em
        shield-line-spacing: -0.6; // -0.05 em
        shield-margin: 8.4; // 0.7 em

        shield-file: url('symbols/place/place-6.svg');
        shield-text-dx: 5;
        shield-text-dy: 5;
      [zoom >= 7] {
        shield-file: url('symbols/place/place-6-z7.svg');
    [zoom >= 8][score >= 400000] {
      text-name: '[name]';
      text-face-name: @book-fonts;
      text-fill: @placenames;
      text-size: 13;
      text-wrap-width: 65; // 5.0 em
      text-line-spacing: -0.65; // -0.05 em
      text-margin: 9.1; // 0.7 em
      text-halo-fill: @standard-halo-fill;
      text-halo-radius: @standard-halo-radius * 1.5;

      [zoom >= 10] {
        text-size: 14;
        text-wrap-width: 70; // 5.0 em
        text-line-spacing: -0.7; // -0.05 em
        text-margin: 9.8; // 0.7 em
      [zoom >= 11] {
        text-size: 15;
        text-wrap-width: 75; // 5.0 em
        text-line-spacing: -0.75; // -0.05 em
        text-margin: 10.5; // 0.7 em

#placenames-medium::medium-importance {
  [category = 2][score > 20000][zoom < 15],
  [category = 1][score < 400000][zoom < 15] {
    [zoom >= 6][zoom < 8][score >= 70000],
    [zoom >= 7][zoom < 8] {
      shield-file: url('symbols/place/place-4.svg');
      shield-text-dx: 4;
      shield-text-dy: 4;
      shield-name: "[name]";
      shield-size: 10;
      shield-fill: @placenames;
      shield-face-name: @book-fonts;
      shield-halo-fill: @standard-halo-fill;
      shield-halo-radius: @standard-halo-radius * 1.5;
      shield-wrap-width: 30; // 3.0 em
      shield-line-spacing: -1.5; // -0.15 em
      shield-margin: 7.0; // 0.7 em
      shield-placement-type: simple;
      shield-placements: 'S,N,E,W';
      [dir = 1] {
        shield-placements: 'N,S,E,W';
      shield-unlock-image: true;
      [zoom >= 7] {
        shield-file: url('symbols/place/place-4-z7.svg');
    [zoom >= 8] {
      text-name: "[name]";
      text-size: 10;
      [score < 40000] {
        text-size: 3;
      [score < 80000] {
        text-size: 5;
      text-fill: @placenames;
      text-face-name: @book-fonts;
      text-halo-fill: @standard-halo-fill;
      text-halo-radius: @standard-halo-radius * 1.5;
      text-wrap-width: 40; // 4.0 em
      text-line-spacing: -1.0; // -0.10 em
      text-margin: 7.0; // 0.7 em
      [zoom >= 9] {
        text-size: 12;
        text-wrap-width: 60; // 5.0 em
        text-line-spacing: -0.6; // -0.05 em
        text-margin: 8.4; // 0.7 em
        [score < 40000] {
          text-size: 5;
        [score < 80000] {
          text-size: 8;
      [zoom >= 10] {
        text-size: 13;
        text-wrap-width: 65; // 5.0 em
        text-line-spacing: -0.65; // -0.05 em
        text-margin: 9.1; // 0.7 em
        [score < 40000] {
          text-size: 6;
        [score < 80000] {
          text-size: 9;
      [zoom >= 11] {
        text-size: 14;
        text-wrap-width: 70; // 5.0 em
        text-line-spacing: -0.7; // -0.05 em
        text-margin: 9.8; // 0.7 em
        [score < 40000] {
          text-size: 8;
        [score < 80000] {
          text-size: 10;
      [zoom >= 14] {
        text-size: 15;
        text-wrap-width: 75; // 5.0 em
        text-line-spacing: -0.7; // -0.05 em
        text-margin: 10.5; // 0.7 em
        [score < 40000] {
          text-size: 10;
        [score < 80000] {
          text-size: 12;

Any idea what do I do wrong?
