Shapefile of roads containing bridge/tunnel/layer tags


I’m looking for a shapefile of the roads of (parts of) germany. So far I found shapefiles at cloudmade and geofabrik.

Both shapefiles contain the ways as well as names, types and oneway-indication. Additionally I need information whether the specific way is a bridge or a tunnel, or even better layer-information. Regrettably these tags aren’t included in the shapefiles I found so far.

Probably not every bridge or tunnel is also tagged with the appropriate layer, is it? So I would have to combine the tunnel, the bridge and the layer tags.

Anyone got an idea where (or how) to get an appropriate shapefile containing these tags?

Thanks very much!


I advise you to contact Cloudmade or Geofabrik if they could add these tags. AFAIK the converter they use is based on osmlib and uses Ruby. I haven’t been able to get this work.