Save money with open geodata

If somebody can german, read this:
This is the paper from technology foundation Berlin

They calculate, why the city like Berlin can save milions of Euro by use of open geodata.
Use the time in your country, speak with politicians.

Can you german? I can german better than english

Yes,I can.
One example of OSM use for administration purposes from Poland:

Я на жаль німецькою не розумію. Чи можна коротенький переказ?

коротенький переказ, but in my bad english:
Open source geodata are helpful for country and regional administation, because of a lot possible use cases.
No government administration, also in Germany, has enough money to collect the geodata (like OSM community).
The government can save money and (I assume be faster) when administration use free geodata.

My short translation from the Summary ( unfortunately automatic translation):

Data and informations are in the opinion of EU Commissioner for the Digital Agenda, Neelie Kroes, the gold of the digital age. This study examines the question after how high is the added value of Open Data for Berlin is or what economic benefit potential is in it.

Open Data is associated with benefits for the stakeholders of business, politics and public administration, but also science and civil society benefits from open data and information.
So promotes Open Data the development of new business, new applications and services, creates transparency and participation and help to identify inefficiencies and improve processes.

На жаль, коротенький переказ неможливий, тому що там 60 сторінок тексту. Ось зробив щось, що нагадує переклад висновку (російською мовою)

Try to contact people from your new government. Organize your own Non Government Organization for coordination of OSM development in Ukraine. In Poland we have such organization:

this is our Статут :

We are Суспільно корисна організація with tax number, Phone and mail number. Ми можемо отримувати гранти and other dotations.
Result: Last year was the growth of OSM in Poland 89%, in whole Europe statistically30%.

Again: organisation is not wrong. After them and you are partners for your government.

Дякую. Головна думка зрозуміла.

PS в економіці є поняття мультиплікатора, якщо хтось забажає використати цей переклад «множитель» треба буде замінити на «мультипликатор»

Спасибо за подсказку. Вообще, переводчик мне и перевёл как “мулитипликатор”, но я подумал, что это слово может быть не всем знакомо.
Земенил на “мультипликатор” и вставил ссылку на Википедию в текст: