Routable Garmin maps:

Yep, I’m working on a routable map converter, but very slowly. It’s mostly in the conceptual phase now, no code yet. My plan was to go through the .mp format, because I understand that well, and later if someone (else) decodes the binary routing format, then the tool could be adapted to write that directly. My current plan is to use Osmosis as a base because it has a well-written pipeline and support for a lot of input sources. I’ve defined a proposed rules file format on my Wiki page here: I’ve also defined some project requirements (mostly just a brain dump) here: The thing that’s holding me up mostly now is designing the architecture.

By the way, I took the old OsmGarminMap xsl sheets and updated them to work with the 0.5 api and also add routing support. However, XSL is the wrong tool for the job; it completely chokes on even 10 MB of data. But if you want to see my work and try it with a small area, my files are here: You can test the output in GPSMapEdit–it has support for testing the routing graph.
