[RFC] Feature Proposal - Make cycleway:both the default to indicate both sides

Before trying to improve things I wonder how big is the problem.

The problem is stated as:

This leaves mappers and data consumers in a situation where the definition of cycleway=* (no side subkey) is unclear:

  • It could mean “a cycleway somewhere on the way.”
  • It could mean “a cycleway on the primary direction of the way” (e.g., on the right in many countries or when used on a dual carriageway).
  • It could mean “a cycleway on both sides of the way.”

But is this really a problem? Mapping in NL I never have seen that cycleway=lane/shared_lane means that there is only a cycleway on the left or right they are always on both sides.

Okay, my experience is geographical limited but is this is problem anywhere?