[RFC] Feature Proposal - Make cycleway:both the default to indicate both sides

Citing the proposal text

  • StreetComplete treats the cycleway tag as the same as cycleway:both but tags cycleway:both.

Small correction here: This is generally true, but for oneways, a cycleway without explicit side needs some special handling. E.g. a cycleway=track is interpeted as…

  • …in countries with right-hand-traffic…
    • …for oneway=yes: cycleway:right=track
    • …for oneway=-1: cycleway:left=track
  • … in countries with left-hand-traffic…
    • …for oneway=yes: cycleway:left=track
    • …for oneway=-1: cycleway:right=track
  • otherwise: cycleway:both=track

i.e. each the other side is interpreted as “not defined” / “ambiguous” / “none?”.

(I guess, even smarter data consumers could look at whether oneway:bicycle is yes and divine from that whether the track in that case is more likely to be meant to be on both sides, but uh… well, it’s guesswork, and for SC we don’t want to guess but find gaps in data and fill them so that data consumers don’t need to.

This alone is a reason for me to always tag the cycleway explicitly for each side when surveying.)