台灣relation可能被破壞 | The Taiwan relation might get vandalism | 台灣 ê relation khó-lêng hőng 破壞

從中文維基百科的社群得知消息,有人看到維基百科上運用的 OpenStreetMap 為基底的 Wikimedia Map,不符合中國視台灣為其一省的觀點,而打算去修改 OpenStreetMap 資料變成「正確」的資料。後來原先的提議者變成要跟 OpenStreetMap 的人溝通,稱不應該違反中國視台灣為其轄下省的觀點,要求要修改。1, 2.



There are some news from the Chinese Wikimedia community, someone who is from China is unhappy about the way of Taiwan is a county, not a province under China, and want to “correct” the wrong statement on OpenStreetMap. The original poster seems to change his mind and want to talk with the OpenStreetMap community, saying that OpenStreetMap should embrace the China statement that Taiwan is a province under China control. 1, 2

We have to keep an eye on Taiwan related edit, and expect someone who brace the value of China to start a discuss topic. Of course if some new topic relate to this event, we should notice and response.

According to previous discussion of these controversy edits, something like change Taiwan to Taiwan Province. When someone ask the motive and reason of changing, we didn’t get response, or getting a non-sense respone, aka Chinese logic response.

Tuì 中文維基百科 ê 社群hiah得著ê消息,有人看到維基百科上運用 ê OpenStreetMap 為基底 ê Wikimedia Map,無符合中國將台灣看做𪜶一省 ê 觀點,欲拍算去修改 OpenStreetMap 遐的資料變成「正確」ê 資料。後來原先 ê 提議者變成欲kā OpenStreetMap ê人溝通,稱不應該違反中國視台灣為其轄下省 ê 觀點,要求 ài 修改。1, 2.

近期要注意kah台灣國界相關 ê 編輯,猶閣有就是𪜶可能 tī 社群討論區開啟討論,需要留意 kah 回應。

根據先前相關爭議編輯 ê 討論,譬如將臺灣改成台湾省,當當詢問為何 ê 時,往往無回應抑是回答無邏輯,抑是稱做「中國式邏輯」ê 回應內容。

结果好像他根本没来,白等了 :cry:
