Quoted content removed from emails

It seems you forwarded an email with content after the signature, discourse removes the quotes from previous emails to avoid noise in replies here.

You can edit the original message with the content to avoid creating new topics in here.

(Sorry for spammy posts, we’re all learning how Disource works)

It seems you forwarded an email with content after the signature

Here yes. But in this thread I did it with a different quote method. Huh.

(in my experience) only sometimes.- https://community.openstreetmap.org/t/mute-communities-subcategories-by-default/3335/11 was an example that I had to edit manually afterwards to remove a quoted previous message.

I think quoted content below the main message that doesn’t have additional normal text at the end is stripped from the emails (from my observations).

I’m moving this to a separate topic over #site-feedback

This is a test reply - hopefully there’s no “original message” below this text.

From: community@noreply.openstreetmap.org
Sent: 4 October 2022 13:18
To: ajt1047@gmail.com
Reply to: replies+b9f527f5e3fba8d81380b1270fb759a4@community.openstreetmap.org
Subject: [This Site Feedback] Quoted content removed from emails


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| nukeador Rubén Martín Forums governance team
October 4 |

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I think quoted content below the main message that doesn’t have additional normal text at the end is stripped from the emails (from my observations).

I’m moving this to a separate topic over #site-feedback

A problem with quoting is that replies are not associable in email, to understand who is the reply to, you have to go to the site.
This makes it less usable in mailing list mode