Proposal: Undo 4 year old parcel import in Dallas TX

Even with importer permission it may be necessary to split it into multiple parts.

Well, JOSM managed to open and close nine empty changesets and somehow hit the rate limit before I was able to modify even a single object :sweat_smile:

This may be harder than anticipated.

On further review, my changesets from last night did work, it just blanked out my changeset comment.

I’m deleting this import in batches of 100,000 (after which the API limit kicks in). This time, I downloaded the correct-sized map area from protomaps (about 43mb) and turned off a bunch of things in JOSM to improve performance before doing the delete.

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If anyone needs the DWG to revert anything let us know…


This should be resolved now.

The spike in the graph today is my OSM account slamming into the API upload limit over and over.
