Project Official Administrative Boundaries

Yesterday we passed the half point mark.
With today’s edits, we’ll have less than 100 to go.

I’m counting boundary relations.
Not saying the relations are complete, or we have all the “label” and “admin_centre” nodes.

I guess we need to add a “mapping complete” tag per relation.
Any ideas for this tag’s name?


does your script parse the geofabrik extract? I am trying to render a map of admin. boundaries, and it seems that all the new boundaries added during the last week are missing.



Geofabrik seems to have a problem since 12/Jan.
However, the All Asia extract is up to date/
The whole download take 1:30 hours, and I cut Israel from it using Osmosis, which takes only a few minutes.


You can’t quantify it.
How about complete=yes/no ?


OK then.


Thanks, Asia+osmosis works for me.

This page now has an additional overlay of the current admin boundaries from OSM. I can update the tiles (thanks to Maperitive) as the import progresses. (The current version is based on geofabrik from 21 Jan.)

Short explanation: ways tagged with boundary=administrative are drawn as lines, color+thickness depends on admin_level.
Boundary relations are filled with color.

Any feedback is greatly appreciated.


I just realized that I have changed the URL of the original MOIN tiles.

The new URLs are:!/!/!.png for Potlatch 1$z/$x/$y.png for Potlatch 2

Sorry for any inconvenience,

I can’t see it.
I’m getting a popup with an error message saying:

I can’t see the overlayes, and when changing to OSM - I can’t zoom in.

I tested both Firefox and IE8, on 2 different machines (WinXP adn Win7).


Try to refresh several times. You may be getting the cached version of the page.


We’re up to about 160 (of about 232)

I guess we can start adding complete=yes/no to relations, so we know better how much work is left.


Please note that the overlay I produced can also help with that. So that if an area is not filled with color, it means there is a problem with the relation (the ways do not form a closed polygon, for instance).

talkat, can you please add the districts (admin_level=4) to the autogenerated lists?

What do you mean?
Something like this (Hebrew, English)? :slight_smile:

P.S. I changed the names of the North and South districts to be like the names in wikipedia.
We should have a match in English on the next update.


Great, thanks!

I’ve fixed the issue (the tile script was using an outdated version of OpenLayers).

Another handy information thanks to this script and some osmosis tricks.

Can you give us a update of the status for the import?
What area is left? Is everythings manually traced?

There are some missing relations in the north.
I’ll go over all the current relations and add a “complete:relation=yes” to all relations that are complete, and we’ll have a clearer picture. Hopefully by Monday.


Yesterday I’ve added “complete:relation=yes” to 75 relations that are complete.
There are more cmoplete relations. I haven’t gone over all relations.
I’m guessting the number is around 100.

I’ve added another column to the table, with value either “CompleteRelation”, or “IncompleteRelation”.
