Problems installing Tirex

Hello community,
this is my first question i ever asked in a Forum. Usually google answers best.

I’m currently trying to install tirex on ubuntu lynix.
I allready setup postgis and mapnik based on a good HowTo.

When i perfom “make deb” in the directory i get the message that Package libboost-program-options1.34.1 can not be found. I have installed libboost-program-options1.40.0 but it still doesent work.

As you can see has the very same problem.

maybe this is no real problem because i’m realy new to linux.

Thank you for your Help


Hello again,
first of all i want to let you know that i’m a german Student writing on my diploma thesis. The theme is loadbalancing in p2p-networks. To give an example i want to build a Tielserver on every peer so they can balance their load decentralized. which seems to be also very interisting for the osm project (Distributed Tile-Server)

I can rephrase the Problem. I setup another VM with Debian squeeze.
I perfomed the installation as described in

When i perfom “install-all” the installation works fine. Even the Test by “prove” works well.

But when i perform debuild -i -us -uc i get an error
„dpkg-checkbuilddeps: Nicht erfüllte Bauabhängigkeiten: libboost-program-options1.34.1"

Which means bad builddependency: libboost-program-options1.34.1

libboost-program-options1.34.1 is not supported in Debian Squeeze anymore. It just offers libboost-program-options1.42.0.

I do not know if i realy need this step. Can i start the demon anyway? How?

Thanks for your Help

Problem Solved!

i don’t know why but the command “debuild -I -us -uc -d” builds the packages.
alternatively you can edit the dependency in “/debian/control”
Then it also works with “make deb”

Special Thanks to my Helper
