Poland subcategory

Forgot to mention that it would be highly recommended to get the OSM Etiquette Guidelines localized in your country official languages, so people participating in your category can fully understand them.

This can be done on the wiki directly as other languages have already done.


Please set:

as the category logo

Can you link to the png file directly? Adding it as part of a message here breaks the transparency.


I have. I just put the image’s address here and Discourse replaced it with the actual image.


The background doesn’t seem to be transparent for that one, which would be a problem for the dark theme. Can you fix it?


This is original SVG version:


GIMP says it’s transparent.

If the base background is white, even pngs with a transparent layer will result into a white background.

All the file versions on the wiki have a white background:


I’m not sure what else can I do.
The png file on the wiki page has transparent background, I have just downloaded it and opened with GIMP, no manipulation required.
Of course if the background is white you will see white, BECAUSE png has transparent background.
Here you can see the same image on dark background:

Weird, I’ve re-downloaded the wiki png and it’s working now with transparent background :sweat_smile:

Category logo updated.