OSM & the Public IoT: displaying sensor data

Can anyone offer any advice on the best contact channel for discussing the application of a triangular mesh overlay to display sensor data with OSM?

mail list? its subcategory?
this forum?

I’ll be happy to discuss it further here but if there’s a location more appropriate, please let me know.


  • Brian

I think you are confusing the map tiles and leaflet application, used an an aid for people contributing content to the map, with the map itself. The map itself is a database, that can be represented as XML.

If that is the case, it is essentially no different from using leaflet with any other source of map tiles, except that, whilst I believe you can pay for high volume access to Google tiles, there is no mechanism for doing so with OSM, so use beyond proof of concept requires that you run your own tile server and tile rendering tool chain.

Again, if this is what you are really doing, I would treat it as a leaftlet.js problem for the proof of concept, and have a look at http://leafletjs.com/ for help on using it. If you go into production, there is, I believe, information on setting up tile servers on the OSM wiki.

I also don’t understand why you would want to impose a triangular grid onto a sphere. Most applications use WGS 84 latitude and longitude grids, although the actual tiles are projected such that shapes are not distorted at small scales.

thank you for the insight into using leaflet. I will continue the development with this library in mind.

also thanks for inquiring about the use of a triangular mesh for this project but I think the real imposition to human intuition for apprehending location by address is to use a rectangular coordinate system of dimensionless points & lines on a sphere to designate area.

the purpose of this project is to present a new way to interpret location - an efficient global addressing scheme that can better facilitate sensor data display and encourage voluntary participation in the Public IoT.

a recursive arrangement of triangular facets is a much better geo-reference for both humans and databases. this project developed a algorithm for uniquely identifying any 1000 sq meter area on the earth with nine delimited characters; the next two characters in the sequence (11 total) further identifies a 2.5 sq meter area contained within it, and so on; where each iteration is scaled by a factor of 400.

in the era of the 140 character packet payload, this technique is not only efficient but human readable and database friendly.