Old name still not removed

Some days ago I edited a hotel in peshawar which was bought by another company last year and thus the name changed from “Pearl Continental Peshawar” to “Serena Hotel Peshawar”. I made this edit in osm but when I search for Pearl Continental Peshawar in osmand its still there. I noticed that now the hotel shows both names pearl continental and serena hotel. I do have enabled live updates in osmand and also tried manually doing live updates but still the old name remains in the search as well as on the map in osmand app Way: ‪Serena Hotel Peshawar‬ (‪75502511‬) | OpenStreetMap

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way and node

Duplicate removed and building geometry corrected. That should solve it.

You deleted a node that was 11 years old. :pleading_face:
I would have reused it for addresses.