Not maps me entarance open street map

Slm. Open Street map does not accept username and password in the Maps application. I can log in via chrome

Hi @Suat0412 and welcome to the forum,
if I get you right you are trying to log in on openstreetmap using this page:

There is a link saying “password forgotten” or something similar, depending on your language settings. There you should be able to get a new password via email.

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Logging in with won’t work due to bugs in which have not been fixed because it hasn’t been maintained for ages.

Just use Organic Maps instead which is a fork that is being maintained.


Chances are this is because it hasn’t switched the authentication method (OAuth2 is now the standard on OSM and the only one activated but many older tools haven’t made the switch) before:

It was already broken before that because it tried to screen scrape the OAuth 1 authorization page and there was a change to how rails rendered the checkboxes that it couldn’t handle.