Names of the cities defined like areas don't display on the map !

Why if I define some place, city, town or village like area than name of the place don’t display and not render on the map?
If the place is defined like node than everything is fine.
I think this is something new because some old places defined like areas lost there names on the map.
Searching is working fine.

Please give us some examples as

For example you can check - village of Драчево


int_name = Dračevo
landuse = residential
name = Драчево
name:en = Drachevo
place = village

I change place tags from node to area ( and now from zoom 14 and above name of the place doesn’t show.
How lower zooms are rendered place name on the map disappear.

Name of city of Skopje (Скопје) , was fine but now it’s showing just on zoom level 10,11 and 12. On all other zoom level is missing.

I solve the problem using relations