Nameless soccer field prevents club name from rendering

This sports club is called Ginga Foot. It has some small soccer fields on the sides and a big one in the middle. As it happens the center of the area of the whole club is right next to the center of the big pitch. This somehow prevents the name of the club from rendering (see below).

If you test-remove the big pitch, the name is indeed rendered.

This is not the end of the world of course, I was just wondering why this is the standard behavior of the map. Why would a nameless soccer field would prevent the name of a (pretty important) sports club from rendering. I could change the area to a node but I feel like an area is more detailed, and the club does take up the whole area. Is there an alternative solution to make the “Ginga Foot” actually visible?

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I wonder why the area is tagged as a sports club (club=sport) and not as a sports centre. Maybe the club has its clubhouse on the site, but the entire site should be tagged as a sports centre (leisure=sports_centre).
Without knowing for sure, I would conclude from the experience of other sports centres I’ve mapped that the rendering would then also be fixed.


It is a common problem that names of overlapping objects “disappear” under certain circumstances. A simple solution would be to add the name tag to the center pitch which is rendered on top of the club area. It is not perfect tagging but should work until one day another solution may be found.

Wouldn’t that be tagging for the renderer? Ginga Foot is the name of the whole club, not of the pitch.


It is somehow and that is why I wrote “it is not perfect tagging”. Anyhow the pitch is part of the whole area and if it hides the name of the club I wouldn’t mind to add it to the pitch as well.

Dont know why this mcliquid post was hidden, suggesting changing club to leisure=sports_centre{248k use) , which would give it the typical sporting area render too in Carto, but over 50% of clubs are mapped as node {31k times club=sport} which certainly would solve the issue. Could even do both.

The blank area now around the pitches is not very fullfilling.

I tagged it as a sports club because it is an actual football team. It fits exactly the definition of Tag:club=sport. They play league matches against other teams, and people have to register to play with them. It’s a football club, just like any other. However, people can indeed rent the pitches and play in them when the team is not training or playing, so I wouldn’t mind calling it a sports centre (it also has a basketball court).

Now I’m sure you both have more experience than me, so maybe, in spite of the fact that it fits the definition of club=sport, it’s still better to tag it as leisure=sports_centre, because the area in itself is stil technically… a sports centre.

What do you mean? I simply drew an area around the walls of the place, to give it more detail. An area is surely more detailed than a node.

leisure=sports_centre is the best tagging for mapping. club is a very difficult tag to render since clubs are very varied, where as a “large place where people play sport” is easier to design a consistent render for.


With blank I mean this in Carto…

A sports centre renders as the below, a very light green all around from the circumference. This centre happens to have multiple clubs on it too.


Updated to leisure=sports_centre, thanks @mcliquid @SekeRob @phodgkin!

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