Multiple delimited names in the name tag

In general I agree with you, but in case of multi-lingual signs it’s nit that easy.
The delimiter might be different on different signs or might be replaced with something like a picture or logo.

There are be three options to add it in our Database.

  1. Mapper defines delimiter (currently used)
  2. mapping multiple names with a defined delimiter, the data-user can define the delimiter based on their users cultural background/preferences or other reason or local mappers could add a local_delimiter=* to enable data-users to display the name as it’s common locally.
  3. mapping no name, instead only name:<lang> and add a separate default_language=* with a ;-separated list of local languages to be used.

2nd I would prefer above 3rd, as it won’t break anything, just some maps getting a bit more ugly until they adjusted.

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