Missing Tiles in Map

I tested the 2011-10-21 version
There is a part of the Netherlands visible on my Oregon 300 (firmware 4.12), from (52.07N, 2.435E) to (52.538N, 6.245E).
I don’t know if this was the intended area, maybe it should be larger.
When I pan to the edges of the map, it is entirely covered by a fullscreen “land” polygon. This is an indicator that there is something wrong with the map, this happened with my broken maps as well.

Ok, but obviously this is not a permanent solution because you won’t be able to do an update with new features.

Style files cannot cause that some areas are not visible in the map. If they do it is a bug.

r2042 is running with 100% cpu because you set the same name for lot’s of ways. Steve is working on it to fix this and has created the mkgmap-simplify-sorted-roads branch (see also http://www.mkgmap.org.uk/pipermail/mkgmap-dev/2011q4/012671.html)).

Did you try r2038? This is the previous mkgmap version. If this does not contain any missing tiles this would be a hot lead to find the problem.

This still indicates a problem with the subdivisions but I can only have a look on it if I really know exactly which areas are missing.


This is how it should look. Outside the red line there is no map.
If this map looks ok, please have a look at the gmapsupp version of Sep 5:

Just to see if Sep 5 contains holes and Oct 21 doesn’t (last one is compiled with Wanmil’s 2052 patch)

Can you post some screenshots here?

A video should be better:
The colors are not good visible in the video. When I pan near to the map’s edge, the standard light-brownish background is drawn over the map.
When the map is displayed, the surrounding is not displayed as the brownish background, but as transparent (white with light yellow grid). This behaviour has changed some weeks ago (before the surrounding was the background brown). This changed be in the same time when the missing tiles appeared. Maybe this is a hint for you.

Both maps are displayed entirely as displayed on your picture. Perfect :slight_smile: Do you know with which mkgmap version the 05 September map was built?

If you need a sceptical beta-tester for future, let me know

I don’t see this behaviour as shown on your clip on a Dakota; the 5 sep version was built with mkgmap-r2009

I just tried the r2067. No improvements, very slow.
Where can I get the old r2038 version?

And do I have to set any command line options to benefit from the new features?

What did you expect? Steve is still working on it but this work is done on a branch and not the main mkgmap release. There is a download section on http://www.mkgmap.org.uk/snapshots/ for branches. But up to now only some preparations have been done. So it will take some time until real improvements will happen.

So long you can improve it yourself by removing or modifying lines like

highway=track {name ‘${name} (${tracktype})’ | ‘T (${tracktype})’ | ‘T ${name}’ | ‘Track’} [0x10100 level 1 continue with_actions]

This probably creates lots of roads with the same name (e.g. ‘T (grade1)’ or ‘Track’)). Current mkgmap versions have a problem with that and are very slow with lots of roads with the same name.

I have compiled mkgmap r2038. You can download it here: http://files.mkgmap.org.uk/detail/41

New features?


java -Xmx1300M -ea -esa -jar …..\tools\mkgmap.jar --max-jobs --gmapsupp --styl
e-file=…..\styles\000001\fredbike -c …..\styles\000001\fredbike\options.args
…..\osmsplit*.osm.gz …..\typfile\000001.TYP 1>…..\mkgmap.log
Exception in thread “main” java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: uk/me/parabol
a/mkgmap/main/Main : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClassCond(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)
at java.security.SecureClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.access$000(Unknown Source)
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
Could not find the main class: uk.me.parabola.mkgmap.main.Main. Program will exi

I thought about several improvements that are regularly done. This was an off topic quoestion, I’m sorry. I use to install new versions of mkgmap and do not change any parameters in the script, and hope that everything works as intended.

Uuups, sorry. I used Java 7 to compile and forgot to compile it compatible to Java 6.

So I did the job once again: http://files.mkgmap.org.uk/detail/42
This should run with Java 6.


Thanks a lot! This works fine.
I removed the line from my style file that gives the same names to different tracks: T (grade1) etc.

  • No missing tiles
  • Very fast


can you please confirm the following (to get sure that nothing else causes the problems):

Compile two maps using exactly the same style files, the same input data and the same options.
Map 1 compiled with mkgmap r2042 (or newer)
Map 2 compiled with mkgmap r2038

Map 1 contains holes
Map 2 does not contain holes (at least you don’t find them at the same position as in map 1)

Is that correct? As you pointed out before it’s very important for these tests that you compile the maps with the same style and input data.

Thanks a lot for you help!

I just tried the same maps, both are ok! (r2072 vs r2038). No missing tiles. Between both mkgmap runs, I only changed the mkgmap version. The same data from splitter (r181) was used. You can see the logfiles here: http://www.kartenmacher.org/2038vs2072.zip

I believe that the hot hint was:

Having a lot of roads with the same name, results in a very slow mkgmap. The missing tiles seem to be subsequent.

Another change of today was, that I removed the --ignore-osm-bounds option from my script. This remained from ancient times and made inter-tile routing impossible (see http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gis.openstreetmap.mkgmap.devel/8900)). Maybe this had additional influence, as well as downloading some new raw data. tachoknight, if you are still having problems, try downloading new raw data, check for the ignore-osm-bounds option, and for roads with the same name.

I hope the problem of the many roads with the same names will be fixed soon, as it is very helpful for bicycle routing to see which type of way (grade1…5) you are routed over

For my cyclemap, I’m using now the option --add-pois-to-lines.
You can add tracktype as poi in your pois file. Add a line like this in your points file:

tracktype=* & mkgmap:line2poitype=mid { name ‘${tracktype}’ } [0x2809 resolution 24]

In your type file you can create an icon for this garmin type (in this example type 0x2809).
It doesn’t show the grade in your routing but you can see it on the map this way.

Generate POIs for lines. For each line (must not be closed) POIs are
created at several points of the line. Each POI is tagged with the
same tags like the line and additional tags added by mkgmap:
mkgmap:line2poi=true and tag mkgmap:line2poitype having
the following values:
* start - The first point of the line
* end - The last point of the line
* inner - Each point of the line except the first and the last
* mid - The middle point

Hi all,
I know this topic is really old, but I have the same problem. In December I created the map for Italy using splitter and mkgmap, starting from the Europe data downloaded from Geofabrik and when i went to Turin last week I realized the several tiles are missing around the city. I recreated the map using the planet.osm.pbf file and the tiles are missing. I have also tried to change the max-nodes number in splitter (750K, 1M, 1.6M) without success.
Moreover the splitter program creates two “strange” files: none-areas.poly and none-template.args.

This is the command line I use

java -Xmx16g
-jar /home/Alessio/bin/splitter/splitter.jar

Any help will be appreciated.


Hi Alessio,

Did you finally succeeded to solve the issue ?

I have exactly the same problem (mkgmap 4531 and splitter 597)

For more up to date information, subscribe to the mkgmap list. See http://www.mkgmap.org.uk/pipermail/mkgmap-dev/2020q2/031115.html for some of the current discussions there.

You probably found out already: The “name” none comes from the italy.poly file. Splitter creates these files for each named polygon.