Migrating content from old forums

I think “good enough” will be the migrated message keeps reasonable formatting and the ability to understand the message is not changed.

  1. Weird parsing error, not caused by importer. I will look into workaround, unlikely to be fixed.
  2. Colour based markdown [color=gray] (bbcode source) is not supported by discourse. Unlikely to be fixed.
  3. Difficult, the importer input: [building=*] output is [building=*], but discourse is swallowing the *. Likely not “good enough”, but unsure how I’d approach this.
  4. This is already be handled by the permalink redirect code. Take the old url + parameters and use them on test forum URL. eg: https://forum-import-test.openstreetmap.org/viewtopic.php?pid=145548#p145548
  5. Ouch. Not good enough, message is changed and meaning could likely be changed. It is due to over eager regex, likely very difficult to fix. Here is pseudocode version: gist:88c45733449078f8fa061838f0eb899a · GitHub