Is there a way to link the following characteristics to a bollard?
No markings on the pavement:
(commons link)
Bollards on streets/cycleways without streetlight pose a risk to cyclists, as they might be seen to late with the headlights of the bike.
With markings on the pavement:
(commons link, other example)
Markings will be visible earlier than the bollard at dark, allowing cyclists to adjust their speed before reaching it.
In my opinion, this should be a characteristic of the bollard, not the pavement. I would love to tag the bollards I have encountered during my bike tours and provide their locations to local authorities so they can add markings. Navigational apps could give a special warning at night if the marking is missing (OsmAnd already warns if a bollard us on the cycleway).
I simply split and add change=no the same as on motorized traffic roads. Depends on whether the solid line marking has the same legal effect on =cycleway in your country. Even if it doesn’t, it could be eg change:advisory=no (following maxspeed:advisory= ) as this is the intention.
Additionally, there’s currently an non-British English *:center= in handrail:center= . It may be corrected and adopted as *:centre= for use with marking:*= . Proposal talk:Divider - OpenStreetMap Wiki
Thanks for the hints. I’ll have a deeper look at the links later. Maybe one more detail I missed in my first post (and I gad no picture at hand): In my region, the white marking before/after the bollard often is just 1 meter. It seems akward to split the way for such a short distance. I’d rather tag divider=solid_line (or similar) to the bollard node although that is not recommended on the wiki page.