This appears to be here in OSM.
There is some physical separation on the crossing itself (for the traffic light poles). I guess that some mappers might draw the cycle and foot crossings separately, even though the people that you were arguing with did not see separation there. In one direction there is a fence. There’s no physical separation on the northeast side of here, or on the southeast or southwest sides.
What’d I’d suggest that you do is map that area until you are happy with it on the dev server. You can create a separate account there. You won’t get rendered tiles from it but people can look at the data. When you’ve done that, come back here and we can all have a look.
I’m guessing that it might look like your changeset from earlier, and it does seem to me that parts of what you added there simply do not exist.
OpenStreetMap is a shared project - everyone has to work together to create the best map. Often we’ll discuss the best way to do things, and sometimes you’ll find yourself putting forward a point of view that no-one else shares. When this happens, you need to take a step back and ask yourself why “everyone” holds a point of view that you do not share. Often, it might be that other people know something that you may not (another example of this was in the pedestrian area thread, where several people with some knowledge of the problem space where trying to help you understand why what you were suggesting would not work).