Mapping bouldering routes

I guess climbing*=*, rendered as any shapes on the map (e.g. a triangle for each crag at some zoom level, for each route bottom at more detailed zoom levels)

For anyone visiting this thread later, is one of the places that shows a climbing overlay on a map and is fairly performant. Hope to see an offline implementation in any of the map apps soon.

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Thanks for the heads up!

Apparently there is a mismatch between how things are mapped at Fontainebleau and what displays, because it shows only one (fairly minor) relation.

I guess the reasons will be self-evident once I have compared the tags of this relation to others

From what I’ve noticed, it reads climbing=crag and area on relationships. sport=climbing might also be necessary.
For crags with standard sport routes, this works well. We should probably improve things for boulders and multi-pitch routes. I’ve also submitted a request for climbing gyms to be added to the overlay.

Ok, thx. At Fontainebleau (and in other places) climbing=crag is on dedicated nodes.

Sorry for spoiling the topic, but here people in the knows seem to be on board: How to mark a crag as a dry tooling site?


I think you might need to explain a bit more what you mean

Dry tooling is using ice tools to climb on dry rock

Based on the current wiki info, I would say it should suffice to create a climbing=crag relation and add the information related to ice. climbing:ice=<number of routes> should do?
Just look for “ice” in the wiki page, Climbing - OpenStreetMap Wiki.
This seems enough.

wouldn’t it be perceived as a tagging mistake by the next contributor who looks at the crag?

What would be a mistake? Based on what other info?

on the information that there can’t be any ice on that crag, for instance

Just make up your own tag. Search taginfo and see if any exist first

I cannot find a way to query taginfo for such sub-namespaced terms by wildcard. I found climbing:dry_tooling | Keys | OpenStreetMap Taginfo just by guessing.

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Hey guys, I’m one of authors of We know that a lot of content is missing there, because now we show content with specific tags even though that there are many others that can be also related.

Don’t worry, we are going to improve it. Right now the main blocker is performance, because we can’t download the whole world from overpass on app launch. We are working on tiling, where you will get just relevant data to your bbox from our proxy overpass db.

Related issue: Including other tags in Climbing? · Issue #682 · zbycz/osmapp · GitHub

And about the offline mode, it’s definitely on our roadmap. I’m thinking about it every time I climb somewhere with bad signal.

Openclimbing roadmap is available here: openclimbing roadmap · GitHub

Feel free to nominate other functionality.

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Hi! I’m not particularly chauvinistic, even the less considering my meagre climbing skills, but I have heard that Fontainebleau has worldwide fame as regards climbing. So I’m wondering how we can improve its mapping.

If I remember well, “crags” at Fontainebleau (actually, boulder fields) are currently mapped as points in OSM while only renders areas. Do you plan to support points as well or should we find how to define areas (which might take some time, given that orthophotos are more or less useless because of the forest)?

Yes, we are going to support it.

The idea is that if you have a node with climbing=crag (or area), we will show it in the map in and in edit dialog, you will be able to add routes to this crag (~children). This will create new route nodes and crag node will transformed into relation.

We want to show also content without having proper structure (area - crag - route), but each of this entity is shown according to zoom level (because we don’t want to render specific route names when you are zoomed out).

I checked Fontainebleau and it looks pretty much ready since there is tag climbing=crag :tada:

Great, thx!

Then there is the original question of this thread: what do we do with bouldering routes?

FYI we already render all related OSM climbing data in

Check Fontainebleau area here:

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