Looking for feedback on my Kentucky WMA import project

Here is some further feedback:

  1. The files you have provided do not have OSM tagging. The community should be able to see the files with the converted tagging to make sure nothing went wrong.

  2. Some of polygons overlap other polygons from the proposed import, e.g.

This concerns object ID 88 and object ID 103, but this isn’t the only example

  1. In OSM there is a limit of 2000 nodes per way. There are 60 ways in your proposed import that have more than 2000 nodes. These will need to be turned into multipolygons.

  2. Have you tested whether all polygons are valid? Just doing a visual inspection some appear to be self intersecting. I will try to test.

  3. Some of the features you propose to import are already in OSM, e.g.

  4. The title of your post says “WMA import project”, but 659 of the features you propose to import are tagged WMA=No (they are bits of things like National Forest, etc.)

  5. Some of the WMAs that you propose to import are broken up into many tiny little polygons (closed ways), such as the Barren River Lake WMA. In my view these should be merged into a multipolygon.