Little tool for exporting to mp (GPSmapedit) and verify osm datas

Update 04-oct-2013
As I can see, lot of people answer to this thread :smiley:
New version is out.

I’d rewrited entirely the prog, as I want to process big osm files (tested with 2.7Gb osm file)
It 's a little more slow than the first version, but do things better.

Changes :
Now you can configure the mp file with a ini file (see inside for details).
There are 2 html output files :
One for the duplicates nodes, one for the dead-end ways without connections who are close to another way.

The duplicate find this :

The dead-end find this :

If you want only the html report and the program faster, you could set the distance for duplicates nodes to 0 meters.

Known bugs : if a way with dead-end is very short, it will find it even if it’s far from another way.

Here is the program :

Archived :


My name is Christophe, I’m French and I’m living in the south-west of Japan (Kyushu island).

As I would export OSM datas to an Android tablet for navigation, I found that datas in Japan are very…not accurate :frowning: .

I began by exporting some datas with the tool “osm2mp”, and could find some problems in GPSmapedit with the function “Verify map” for resolve them in OSM (Enjoy the ID editor :slight_smile: ).

As the tool “osm2mp” is a little slow, and I don’t need others things than the roads and routing datas, I’ve tried to make my own “osm2mp”.

When developing this tool, I trust it could be good if it could resolve some problems when exporting (nodes too close; duplicates roads;…)

Here is the alpha version, I believe some peoples could use it as it’s very quick in conversion, but it’s really the 1st approach and I have a lot of works to do…

For now, this tool do :

  • Convert .osm to .mp (only roads and with some restrictions - see below).
  • Find duplicates ways, and output a html page with the list it found with the possibility to go directly on OpenStreetMap for edit them. (No html if nothing found).
  • Remove nodes too close from another when exporting (distance is configurable).
  • Very fast conversion (about 1min for 1.3Gb osm file).

Now the bad :smiley: :

  • For now I haven’t implemented the configurable output scheme. It’s hard-coded: type set to navitel, and the ways types are hard-coded.
  • No support for level in GPSmapedit.
  • Find duplicate ways only if they have the same number of nodes.
  • You must restart the program to make a new conversion (I’m a very bad programmer ! :laughing:, and as I did a lot of functions for testing and my code is not well commented, I’ve some troubles for cleaning it).
  • I don’t use the relations of the osm file. I’ve looked for that in the wiki, but I understood nothing !
  • … lot more … :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m continuisly working on it from about 1 week ago, and for now, for me it do what I’m asking for. But if I post here, it’s because I would like to know if some people are interested by this tool, and if I should continu the developement. Else, I keep it like this for my personnal use.
So let me know… :slight_smile:

Ha, and I forgot : this tools in programmed under VisualStudio C#, so Windows versions only :roll_eyes:

Cheers, Tof.

File :

Uptaded version, see first post.

so what about creating an own page in the OSM wiki?

It can be linked for example via

Héhé…I did’nt saw that page before… :rage:

I saw some tools for finding some errors, but they were cmd line and very slow, that’s why I’ve implemented this tools in my osm2mp.

Anyway, I just want to recommande the very good online tools !!
Itl is far better than my tool ! :roll_eyes:

In anycase, my tools could be used for converting osm to mp. I will try to add more options in the future.

Thank’s a a lot for the link !!