leaflet - geojson-Datei einbinden - marke draggable - possible?


I’m using Leaflet 0.7
I get some Markers with Ajax to display on the map.
Works fine.

But I want each marker draggable.
Can I define this on import - in the datafile?

The Datafile looks like:

{"type": "FeatureCollection", 
"features": [{ 
"type": "Feature",
 "id": 6,
 "properties": { 
 "geometry": { 
"type": "Point",
 "coordinates": [ 11.3,47.3]
 "draggable": "true"
"type": "Feature",
 "id": 7,
 "properties": { 
 "geometry": { 
"type": "Point",
 "coordinates": [ 11.35,47.25]
 "draggable": "true"

I import this File with:


Thank you.

Leaflet Forum should be the place to ask this question … which is already answered asked:
GeoJson - Leaflet - Draggable Makrer → Geojson