Leaf_type=palm - is anything wrong with it?

Ouch, I somehow missed it. I created Tag:leaf_type=palm - OpenStreetMap Wiki to reduce such risk in future.

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We recently had a discussion about this exact topic in OSMUS Slack, focused on how to tag the variety of plants in the Southwest US that donā€™t fit well with the established OSM tags and canā€™t be easily categorized using leaf_type=*.

In the end, there was some agreement that taxon:family=* does what we would want in this case.

Here are some examples:

taxon:family=Arecaceae - A palm tree or plant. I think there was some confusion above that there could be some things that are palms that are not in this family. Thatā€™s really not true.

taxon:family=Cactacae - A cactus ā€œtreeā€ or plant. Although the Saguaro is probably the most iconic example, we have to keep in mind that it grows only in Arizona and Sonora.

taxon:family=Asparagaceae - As a tree, this is a Joshua Tree. It would be a mistake to call this leaf_type=palm because thatā€™s not what it is. Itā€™s actually a type of yucca.

As a plant, Asparagaceae is a yucca or agave.

If we try to characterize these plants by their attributes, we find that the yuccas are both broadleaved and spiny. In fact, many palms have nasty sharp thorns as well. So, attempting to identify these plans by leaf_type=* fails to make the distinctions between cactus, palm, and yucca.


that is the reason why I started using taxon:family for Arecaceae a while ago, when I first met the issue. I also keep using e.g. genus and do not advocate taxon:genus just because they are established tags, while family wasnā€™t at the time when I needed it.
Should there come a vote for deprecating unprefixed genus and species, and state that they be prefixed with taxon:, I would vote in favour.

Palms, if taken as all that fall under the family Palmae, are simply an other name for Arecaceae. OTOH, thereā€™s plants that sort of look like palms, or even hold ā€œpalmā€ in their vernacular names.

consider the ā€œtravellerā€™s palmā€, which despite its name isnā€™t a palm at all, but is related to bananas, heliconias and ginger.

also most Cycadaceae might look to uninitiated like palm trees.

maybe some might even confuse some ferns with a palm tree.