KFC vs. Kentucky Fried Chicken

OK. I spent plenty of time reading what you wrote and I wasn’t offended by what you said. Your just wrong about what I was suggesting, why I suggesting it, and your framing of position was insulting. Something can still be insulting if the other side is offended by the insult or not though. And to me you saying I was “blaming” Nominatim and trying to “enforce” my new set of tags on people, wasn’t constructive and came off as insulting.

Am I “so offended” by what you said though? No. Your kind of behavior is pretty par for the course when it comes to discussions on here. From my end though, I just like discussions to stay on topic, not be personal, and ultimately lead to a resolution. None of that happens if someone repeatedly gets the other person’s position wrong and needlessly frames what their saying in a negative way. That’s it. Maybe you’d call that being defensive, I just call it having an objective goal for the discussion and doing what we can to reach it by not miss-constructing the other sides

I mean, yeah, sure you said I “seemed to be proposing" retagging all the instances of ッキーフライドチキン” in Japan to Kentucky Fried Chicken, but so what? You were still wrong :man_shrugging: Like would it be cool if I were to say “you seem to be intentionally misconstruing my position in order to derail the discussion” since I said “seems” and it’s the best way know how to describe what your doing? Hey, I’m not saying you were intentionally misrepresented what I was saying as a derailing tactic, I’m just saying it “seems” like that’s what you were doing :+1:

And again it seems you either didn’t read or you misunderstood what I wrote, because that’s the exact opposite of what I wrote.

So goodbye then, I’m sorry to have wasted my time.

“By what you seem to me to be proposing, instead of “blaming” the search system, I should go around the world and change all of the KFCs outside of Portugal (where I live) so that the search results will all be local to Portugal. I hope I’m misunderstanding you, but that’s plain stupid.”

instead of “blaming” the search system insinuates someone was blaming the search system. I’m the person you were responding to and I’ve said Nominatim is the issue here multiple times. So I don’t really know who else you’d be referring to :man_shrugging:

Thank you to everyone who participated in this meaningful discussion. :heavy_heart_exclamation:
There are only different ways to misunderstand and express what you are trying to say, but I don’t think anyone wants to make the problem difficult and blame others here.
I’d appreciate it if you could calm down and focus on the topic.
My English is terrible, so I can’t participate in in-depth discussions, so I hope others will help so that the panelists can focus on the essence of the topic.