Kerala road mapping with help of FB ML data

In late July 2018, severe flooding affected Kerala state in India due to unusually high rainfall during the monsoon season, Kerala’s worst floods in nearly a century over 373 people died within a fortnight, while at least 280,679 people were evacuated, rescue operations are going on. kerala floods wikipedia

Two most used maps in disaster response which is used to identify flooded roads and used to visualise rescue requests are using OSM data.
OSM coverage for kerala is far from complete and needs lot of work.

In response to the disaster mapping efforts Facebook have shared machine learning based road data for Kerala, and offered help of their mapping team to add this data to OSM.
But we would need people with local knowledge working and validating the edits especially tagging.

Road data - - Please download to evaluate the data. Do not import to OSM yet.

Will be posting this on osm-in list and will be collecting and compiling discussions on

Is there any update on this?:slight_smile: