It's time to address the A8(M)

The A8(M) is a short stretch of road connecting the Bailieston and Swinton Roundabouts in Central Scotland. Only 250ish metres long, the road was originally signed A8(M) but is now signed A8 from one direction and M8 (M73) from the other leaving its appropriate ref value unclear. On OSM the ref value has oscillated back and forth between A8, A8(M), M8 and no ref at all. I’m raising it here to reach an agreement on the appropriate ref value for this short stretch of motorway.

Since it continues to be referred to as A8(M) in legal documents and in the absence of any other sensible number, I would be happy with the ref either as A8(M) or with no ref. Under the latest changeset from Patrick Harper[1] the ref has been changed again from A8(M) to M8 in both directions which I do not support as it is only signed in one direction as M8 and there was no source included to support the change.

Let’s decide once and for all how we are going to represent this troublesome 250m of road!


I don’t know the road, but presumably it has a central divider, so one direction could be tagged as trunk A8 and the other as motorway M8 to reflect what the signs say, with suitable note tags to inform anyone tempted to change it in future?

No, this wouldn’t be acceptable since the spur is subject to motorway regulations. I believe the best solution would be to either tag the spur as the M8 per signage on the ground or remove the ref=* tag and use destination:ref=* tags instead. I agree that note tags would be necessary to stop further disruption in the future.

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If I were to provide a source it would be this, on the basis that A8(M) was never mentioned. I think A8(M) signs were present on opening, presumably by mistake.

Looks like it’s been changed back to A8(M). Not worth my time fighting it tbh, but I still believe M8 is correct; OS maps have it down as that number as well.

I’ve asked @Nathan_A_RF on the changeset to join the conversion here.

I’m not a local, was just interested, but I found The M8/M73/M74 Motorways (30mph, 40mph and 50mph Speed Limit) Regulations 2022 which specifically state:

This is interesting because at first glance it seems like “oh this clearly says A8(M) is correct”. But in context, it says that actually that section of road is part of the M8 and the A8(M) is just a term to clarify which part we’re referring to.

This is changed from The M8/M73/M74 Motorways (30mph, 40mph and 50mph Speed Limit) Regulations 2017 (which is provided in the source tagging on the OSM way) which says:

This is much clearer in saying this is a separate road with its own designation.

Now, I’m not sure if the 2022 change was intentional or not but it does supersede the 2017 legislation (which is clearly revoked at the end of the 2022 legislation).

Perhaps worth an FOI to Transport Scotland?

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“the A8(M)” means that part of the M8…

Now that’s just wrong. A road with a number can’t be a part of a road with a different number. They also say this for the A8, stating:

“the A8” means that part of the M8 between Newhouse and Baillieston Traffic Lights

The A8 can’t be part of the M8, it runs alongside it!

In any case, there are still references to the A8(M) in these regulations despite signage being changed for the ease of navigating by drivers. So the A8(M) ref remains unless there is a clear source stating otherwise, such as an FOI request.

Another useful data source is the Official list of trunk roads (2021) (kept in accordance with the requirements of section 2(2) of the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984), which states:

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Fair enough, A8(M) seems to be valid as a base ref.

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(apologies for waking this up again)

It seems to be largely settled that this is called the “A8(M)” rather than anything else; but the there is still some discussion to be had about whether that is a ref (what everyone calls it) or something like a highway_authority_ref (what the highway authority, but almost no-one else, calls it).

As a bit of a background to this:

  • Most roads in the UK that have a ref displayed on signs have that in the ref key.
  • Where that reference isn’t public facing (such as in OSM terms tertiary or unclassified) that is normally in the highway_authority_ref field, because it makes absolutely no sense for a router to tell a user “turn left on the C94” if that is not mentioned on any signage.
  • Scotland is a bit of an exception in the UK in that more C, D and U road refs are listed there that in England, Wales or Northern Ireland.

The question is essentially "does it make sense to store A8(M) in a ref tag when no road user can ever see that tag?

Any C, D or U roads listed in any part of the UK should really be tagged using the highway_authority_ref tag, as these are only used by councils to classify their road network (and as such many of these numbers may be duplicated across the country). Motorways, A-roads and B-roads are unique numbers that are widely signed. Of course there are always exceptions where a road may not be signed to discourage traffic or signed in a different way to provide clear information to drivers (such as here) but that doesn’t mean the number is less important to tag using the ref tag.

As an example, the A2690 in East Sussex only has its number mentioned on a couple of signs despite connecting two large towns, because the end destinations of the A21 and A259 are signed as more convenient destinations. This doesn’t mean the road should have its number moved to the highway_authority_ref tag on this basis.