Hello, is there any limit on the free use of openStreetMap? Our platform used openStreetMap normally before, but this week, request errors began to appear. The map tiles could not be loaded, and the error status code was: 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons, net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_ORB, but it can be accessed in the browser alone.
Is this error caused by the large number of calls and the official website prohibiting access? What is the free call quota? If the free quota for this month is used up, can it be used again next month?
We can also pay to use openStreetMap. What is the usage quota after payment?
You also posted in the OSM IRC, and greeted us with “你好”, so maybe this is not an issue on the side of osm.org, but the tiles are blocked somewhere else on the way to you.
Can you tell us more about your platform or the URL where you see the issue?
Now a 451 error is likely being returned by cloudflare or fastly the content delivery networks that we use and might not directly have to do with a policy violation. You will need to ask OSM operations about that.